Nintendo DS News | Advance Wars: Dark Conflict - Jan 2008 Confirmed

By Adam Riley 05.12.2007 6

Nintendo has finally confirmed what Cubed3 originally posted as rumour, that the new Advance Wars on DS will come to Europe in January 2008 under the new subtitle of 'Dark Conflict'. Check out for full release below:

"Assume your battle positions as Advance Wars: Dark Conflict marches onto the Nintendo DS. This turn-based strategy game featuring a dark, post-apocalyptic tale of revenge, betrayal and survival, will immerse players into an ultimate battle as they direct an assortment of military units across various maps and terrains. Players also have the opportunity to battle one-on-one against other users around the world through the Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection, or even battle with a partner against another fighting duo over the Nintendo DS wireless connection. Experience the darkest Advance Wars yet and engage in fierce battle as Advance Wars: Dark Conflict launches across Europe on 25th January 2008 on Nintendo DS.

"Earth has been struck by a series of massive natural disasters, with most of the population destroyed and sunlight struggling to break through the cloud of ash which hangs in the air. With the earth plunged into such catastrophic circumstances, some of the survivors are helping others, but others want to take advantage of the situation and become new leaders. Meanwhile groups of soldiers are trying to complete orders given out before the disaster struck, whilst others are abusing the situation for wealth. Players must lead their army to victory to protect the innocent survivors, understanding the strengths and weaknesses of each unit to strategically plan their attack and defeat the enemy.

"Taking on the role of the Commanding Officer of an army, players must battle the enemy using a variety of military units at their disposal covering ground, air and sea. Using the Touch Screen and stylus or the control buttons, each player has direct control of their units, leading them to victory, or condemning them to defeat! With the new ability to build ports and supply points, players have greater control over their battle strategy. In addition, Advance Wars: Dark Conflict offers a longer single-player experience than ever before with 26 stages in Story mode, plus more than 30 bonus missions to play and learn the tactics required to successfully and efficiently defeat enemies. Map by map, players must position their army to destroy all enemy units or take over their HQ buildings, with further rules for victory varying for each stage.

"The Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection provides users with a new dimension within which to play Advance Wars: Dark Conflict, offering a variety of functions to enhance gameplay. When playing via the online service, if a friend code has been exchanged, players are able to talk together during battle by holding down the Y-Button and speaking into the microphone for a truly interactive experience. The map creator function allows users to build their own maps to ensure new battleground experiences, with Wi-Fi enabling users to upload them to the Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection server to share with other players around the world. Local Wireless Connection also provides up to four friends with game cards the opportunity to challenge each other using the Nintendo DS Wireless Connection making Advance Wars: Dark Conflict a truly interactive experience.

"Touch Screen control allows for intuitive and fast play, moving the army units using the stylus, with the top screen being used to survey the area, view statistics on terrain and units and receive tutorial information. The in-game menu offers players the opportunity to review their tactics at any time, view the conditions needed to win as well as the statistics of the current battle, e.g. how many units and buildings have been taken. Battle animation also allows the player to see their attack in motion with the top screen showing the enemy position and the bottom screen showing their army.

"Outwit the world on a global battle-field with the release of Advance Wars: Dark Conflict on Nintendo DS, available across Europe on 25th January, 2008 for an estimated retail price of

Box art for Advance Wars: Dark Conflict

Intelligent Systems







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European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date Out now   

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It will be interesting to see if they successfully incorporate the stylus. I absolutely love the first DS version and I am playing it currently - a lot. The thing is, I never use the stylus in that version, just the buttons. That doesn't make it any less of a brilliant game though.

No matter what, it is on my order list. I just wish that they would make a bigger, prettier version of the DS/GBA games for the Wii instead of RTS (not that I didn't enjoy it). I love TBS and stunning graphics for the characters and scenery would just make my day.

Temporarily banned until further notice.

^You should use the stylus, it makes playing very comfortable and has a hands free feel, also the whole touch screen thang has an addictive and satisfying feel.

As for the new games online buisness, I know for a fact just how long competitive matches last, hrs sometimes, and nintendo's pissed if they think Im gonna whoop somebodies ass for two hrs before my DS screen goes black and tells me
'Your opponent has left'.

This sounds great.
Not online online, but voice chat with friends too!

Also, building ports and supply points is starting to sound like more of a new game, rather then a lick of paint and online.

As for touchscreen, I used it a lot when at home.
However, Advanced Wars always had brillently well thought out controlls on the button side too.
Seems an odd thing to praise, but it was always fluid however you did it.
All the menus and options where "just right". <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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OH WOW!! I've been waiting foir this moment for a long time, so far I think Advance Wars series starting from GBA version to Dual Strike for DS is the best strategy game for handhelds ever, I just hope that the previous CO's are still there, cuz Im kinda attached to them Smilie and I definitely expect to see marked improvement in Graphics and animations

Well this is coming in Feb for AUS and I honestly can't wait. The darker tone of the game will be very refreshing and the online will be awesome.

i havn't played advance wars since the gba (surely they should change the name to dual screen wars or something)i might get this to try and get back into it, i'm never anygood at strategy games though, i suck at Final Fantasy revenenant rings so i deleted it. The movies were some of the best ive seen to date on the ds. sorry for the off topic.

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