Nintendo News | Takashi Iizuka Talks NiGHTS and Burning Rangers

By Jorge Ba-oh 28.11.2007 7

Sonic Team's Takashi Iizuka recently discussed the upcoming Wii sequel to NiGHTS revealing some tidbits on control schemes, the jester's voice and a mention for a possible Burning Rangers sequel.

Speaking to the folk over at Games Radar, Iizuka revealed some juicy morsels on the Journey of Dreams. For fans of classic control, the game allows for all four types to be used (a-la Smash Bros. Brawl), including support for the GameCube pad for analogue purists. "Personally I prefer using the Wii-remote on its own - you just fly. You feel like you're flying, moving more smoothly just with the sensation and freedom of it. But the team use the Gamecube controller because it's so similar to the feel of the original 3D controller. The analogue stick is shorter and more like the Saturn pad."

Commenting on the decision to add a voice to NiGHTS, Iizuka revealed that the jester is seen from the view of a child, so that if a lad's view NiGHTS will be a boy, and the reverse for a ladette.

With the original NiGHTS game being ported to Sony's PlayStation 2, it was asked whether next-generation NiGHTS would hit Xbox 360 or PS3, however neither are in development.

In related news, Iizuka was asked whether fellow Saturn title Burning Rangers would make a similar revival on the Wii, and he responded: "I hear there is a lot of demand for a sequel, to bring out Burning Rangers on Wii so... we'll see."

Be sure to stick around for updates...

Box art for NiGHTS: Journey of Dreams





3D Platformer



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Rated $score out of 10  7/10 (4 Votes)

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It's good that it will support all the types but if he says the Wii Remote one is best I am going to go along with that.

Interesting to hear Burning Rangers Wii has been requested...I hadn't heard that before.

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

cool. burning rangers is great and it would be fantastic if a sequel was made for wii-really suited. also the music is some of the cheesiest ive heard

Nice - can't wait to try out the control schemes, but the game itself really is looking a bit disappointing imo.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Get this man working on Burning Rangers Wii NOW. I've been wanting a Wii sequel since the remote was first shown off, it'd work really well with the firefighting if done right. Burning Rangers is one of the better Saturn games, better Sonic Team games and a personal favourite of mine.

My only problem is that, after the death of the dreamcast, Sega games started to suck

( Edited on 28.11.2007 22:32 by fenixazul )

jb said:
Nice - cant wait to try out the control schemes, but the game itself really is looking a bit disappointing imo.

I thought the same a while ago but have changed my mind after seeing the latest footage, it looks very polished now. The graphics are looking great with a steadier frame rate than before, the sound is as good as ever, and all the classic gameplay is there, I think that = win. Time will tell of course.

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