Nintendo DS Media | Paint By DS Video/Screens

By Mike Mason 19.11.2007 6

Mercury Games have released new screengrabs and a video of their title Paint By DS, a colouring game that is coming to Nintendo DS. Developed by Ertain, it is part of Mercury Games' Zen Series range of casual titles.

Taking a step away from games with any action at all, Paint By DS is aimed towards the so-called 'non-gamer' market and is as relaxing as it gets. Players can colour in artworks by the likes of Van Gogh and Cezanne in their own styles without the usual mess of painting. Rather than just being a simple paint package, users can also mix and alter consistencies of their colours with the stylus and use virtual oil-based and water-based paints. If you get bored of painting, you can also try out a couple of mini-games that are included.

Paint By DS is released in December 2007 (not November as the trailer suggests), for a budget price of

Box art for Paint By DS








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European release date Dec 2007   North America release date TBA   Japan release date TBA   Australian release date TBA   

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Good idea and all, but I'd rather have a Wii/DS Version of Mario Paint which I hope Nintendo is working on.

hm....looks really boring...

And is that an emulator its running on?

Avoid Games Like the Plague, productivity++

Nice music.

ZeroSimon said:
hm....looks really boring...And is that an emulator its running on?

I think the video's been made on the dev. kit on a PC.

I am usually for anything Art related but I cannot see the point of this unless it teaches more than how to fill colour within the lines, and the basic mixing of colour. It seems like a weak and shoddy attempt at "edutainment". If they had something on Wii however whereby you could download lessons and send your work to friends that would be great. I think it would require a stylus and tablet device, something that does not look like happening anytime soon. If it were to, it would open the door for many other types of educational software in the future.

I second the above, as well as the first comment.

MarioPaint is something that geniunely would fit the Non-gamer market, as well as appealing to existing Nintendo fans.

I have said it once but I say it again.

MarioPaint + Camera = $$$$$

(for more then that stupid face training) <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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