A sweet new trailer for Resident Evil: Umbrella Chronicles has surfaced, revealing some cold antics in Russia as Chris and Jill investigate...
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By Jorge Ba-oh 13.11.2007 7
A sweet new trailer for Resident Evil: Umbrella Chronicles has surfaced, revealing some cold antics in Russia as Chris and Jill investigate...
Be sure to stick with C3 for future media updates...
9/10 (11 Votes)
Awsome video,
I'm more interested on the games Story line than the gameplay... unfortunately!
2003 Russia, which means its just set before Resi 4! So Wesker must of met Ada after this... or maybe they are working together in Russia?!?!
Who does Wesker think he is? Throwing his jacket off like that and running like hero.
Fuck sake. I thought this might be an actual trailer from Russia with lots of funny writing.
Wow great video! Thats the first video i've seen for the game and I have to say that I am impressed.
I really want to know what the storyline is for that part looks soooo good.
I used to think that it was only recently that they poofed Wesker up with that pompous accent, but after watching some old videos of him on Youtube, it seems that he's always been a twat.
At least this Wesker is better than the live action one
Jesus Christ! Look at his fucking hair! Looks like Johnny Bravo or someone, an eighties Johnny Bravo.
(Ooooooooooooo, custom embed features.)
i love to see a real res game set there res evil 3.5? make it have res evil 4 gameplay with res 0,1,2,3 story like them
CuRoi said:
I used to think that it was only recently that they poofed Wesker up with that pompous accent, but after watching some old videos of him on Youtube, it seems that hes always been a twat.At least this Wesker is better than the live action one Jesus Christ! Look at his fucking hair! Looks like Johnny Bravo or someone, an eighties Johnny Bravo.(Ooooooooooooo, custom embed features.)
That video never gets old. I love the part when Joseph gets fucked up.