Nintendo News | Europe, Prepare to Train Your Faces!

By Adam Riley 30.10.2007 7

After not proving anywhere near as popular in Japan as its other training games, Nintendo's Face Training, which comes bundled with a camera and special stand, is now heading to Europe in time for Christmas, along with a special advertising campaign. The new product helps to strengthen face muscles and will be marketed mainly at the female market in an effort to further broaden the userbase of the DS.

Face Training works by having players hold the system in the book form, similar to with Brain Training, and shows various instructions on the left/top screen as your face is shown on the right/bottom screen via a special camera that slots into the GBA port of the handheld.

In addition to this, Sight Training is coming in just a couple of weeks and Cubed3 will have a special 'Eye Age' diary up very soon to detail the game further and see if a gamer's visual perception can indeed be improved over a period of time.

With the 66% of all DS users in the UK being women (and the DS total now topping four million in this country alone), it is no wonder Nintendo will be mounting a female-friendly advertising campaign in the run-up to Christmas that features not only Nicole Kidman (as seen in the two More Brain Training adverts already), but also daytime television favourites Fern Britton and Philip Schofield, Julie Walters and Zoe Ball.

But DS owners are not the only ones getting in on the act as Nintendo has diving game Endless Ocean coming on Wii in November, where players guide a diver through tropical waters, exploring the environment and stroking fish, plus the hotly-tipped for great success 'Wii Fit', which hits Japan in early December, where players use the special Wii Balance Board for yoga, exercise in general, as well as various 'fun' activities.

"The DS console, followed by the launch of the Wii, has helped us break into new markets. [We found] 85 per cent of our customers over the age of 45 had never played computer games before the DS. In all, two-thirds of our adult user base for the DS is female, while a third of users of our popular Big Brain Academy game on the Wii are mums."
- David Yarnton, General Manager of Nintendo UK.

Stay tuned for further updates...

Box art for Face Training: Facial Exercises to Strengthen and Relax from Fumiko Inudo

Intelligent Systems







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European release date Out now   North America release date None   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date None   

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Can't wait to train my face muscules on the Public Bus Smilie

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

iMod said:
Cant wait to train my face muscules on the Public Bus Smilie
Sounds fun!Smilie
I still havn't bought a ds yet. Probably during christmas...Smilie

Christmas smash hit confirmed.Smilie
Next year, Wii fit!Smilie

Both Wii Fit and Face Training were shown at some UK event today, where it was also revealed 4 million DS systems have been sold in the UK alone...Therefore, I presume that 66% of DS owners being female is UK-specific.

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

I bet if they did Mario Paint DS + Camera it would have been tenfold more successfull.

"I still havn't bought a ds yet."

silly boy.
Metroid Hunters, Advanced Wars, Mario Kart, Zelda

Any two of those is worth the price, imho.

( Edited on 30.10.2007 18:02 by Darkflame ) <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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Fern Britton, not Fern Britten.

I posted a video of the Japanese trailer a while back. It's hilariously crap, and VERY long.

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