Following the mammoth conference that Nintendo held over in Japan earlier this month, a video has now emerged showing off the line-up of games for both DS and Wii. Check out the video below:
Stick around for further updates...
By Adam Riley 28.10.2007 7
Following the mammoth conference that Nintendo held over in Japan earlier this month, a video has now emerged showing off the line-up of games for both DS and Wii. Check out the video below:
Stick around for further updates...
O damn, Tales of Innocence looks awesome.
Wow. This was a cool find. I wish the video's quality was better. There were a lot of games in it I have never seen before.
^^ looking a good line up for this year and going into next
Awsome video, but its low quality and i couldn't understand what half the DS games were... anyway the Wii's line up is awsome! BWII looks awsome, Monster Hunter aswell, the music game looks fun, Brawl... so many good games coming out for Wii!
( Edited on 28.10.2007 14:46 by iPwnd )
Damn, these folks at Jeux France never get them Flashmovies to work! I can't see them. Never ever. What's wrong with me?
Laurelin said:not sure maby you should see a therapist...
Damn, these folks at Jeux France never get them Flashmovies to work! I cant see them. Never ever. Whats wrong with me?
... You could have said there was about 1 whole second of Fire Emblem footage in the video