Nintendo DS Media | Fire Emblem, Advance Wars 2 & Kirby Ultra Super Deluxe

By Adam Riley 10.10.2007 15

Not to leave its handheld out, Nintendo has released a new batch of DS screenshots for Fire Emblem, Advance Wars DS 2 and the newly announced remake of the 1995 SNES game 'Kirby Super Star', now re-named 'Kirby Ultra Super Deluxe'.

Advance Wars DS 2 [ 5 Screens ]

Kirby Ultra Super Deluxe [ 10 Screens ]

Fire Emblem DS [ 7 Screens ]

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Box art for Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon

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The fire emblem results screen reminds me of the one for Advance wars

OMFG!! A new/old Kirby game!! SmilieSmilie


It's a good time! This sorta even beats E3!! O_O

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Very nice looking screens all around! Smilie

Lots more DS screens coming soon - such as two new RPGs on DS from Nintendo (Monolith -Soma Bringe- and Paon-developed -Eternal Chronicle-) Smilie

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

Fucking yes!!!
i want all 3 of those...but as i'm not dirt rich i'll probably just be getting kirby (unless theres a drought in which i'll probably get the other 2)

Avoid Games Like the Plague, productivity++

Oh my god yes. It's about time they remade Kirby Superstar (A.K.A. the best Kirby game ever.)

'Kirby Ultra Super Deluxe'? ...ehhh?

Can't wait for the Kirby game... I actually can't wait, so I'm really not sure whether to buy it on VC or wait for the DS game... should I do both? Smilie Oh well, guess it's better than actually releasing Super Star on VC first, then I'd already have it, & might have wasted my money! ^^;

& Fire Emblem DS starring Marth! Smilie So that means he might come back for Brawl after all! ^^

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

The actual game-play of Fire emblem and Advanced wars both look horribly under-developed. Though it is early stages

"Study this revelation, you nest of adders!"

This is so weird... I was just thinking about doing a remake of Super Star... Nintendo need to GTFO of my head...

However, what the fuck have they done to the style of the game, it looks shit... They really should have just re-used the sprites from Amazing Mirror like they did with Mouse Attack. The environments and backgrounds in particular look awful ;-;

I don't think I much like the look of those Fire Emblem screens either actually... It looks like they've gone for pre-rendered 3D sprites instead of amazingly well drawn 2D ones... *cries*

And it does indeed look like Marth... Might not be though, loads of FE characters look the same ^^;

Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

Despite the fact I love both AW and FE, those screens have me worried. THey just look so different and I hate how AW is losing its "anime" touch.

This Fire Emblem is a remake of the very first NES game, for those that didn't realise. So that means Marth is back! Smilie

And I personally never liked the style of Advance Wars... Smilie So I quite like this change.

( Edited on 11.10.2007 15:38 by jesusraz )

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

jesusraz said:
This Fire Emblem is a remake of the very first NES game, for those that didnt realise. So that means Marth is back! SmilieAnd I personally never liked the style of Advance Wars... Smilie So I quite like this change.
This means Marth may return to Brawl! Smilie

& I like the new style for AW too, though I never really played them.

I don't see how it's losing the anime touch, if you ask me, it looks more like a proper anime than ever before. Before it looked like a western anime wannabe. ^^;

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Yeah I am slightly wary of the way the New Fire Emblem looks. I personally think the original GBA games pwnd the Gamecube one in looks. So much style and the sprites were incredible. I could watch Pent cast a spell all day long. Still though, I'll wait until I see it running in motion before I get worried.

Yeah, same... The animation on the old GBA sprites was literally the best part of the game. If they fuck that up then it's doomed...

I'll still buy it though <.<

Really don't like the look of the new AW either, but then I could never be bothered to play any of the games past the first two or three levels anyway >_>

Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

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