The latest issue of Famitsu magazine has now hit the streets and details have been lifted thanks to NeoGAF's Jonnyram, revealing a slew of new games for the Nintendo DS, plus much more. First up is:
Light Speed Card Battle: Card Hero (NDS, Nintendo)
- Launching in December;
- Sequel to 2000's Card Hero
- Main characters are Satoru and Haruka, with the rival being Kiriwo;
- A new batch of monsters will be introduced;
- No mention of Wi-Fi, sadly.

Harvest Moon: Shining Sun & Friends (NDS, Marvelous Interactive)
- Launching this Winter;
- The sequel to 'The Island I Grew Up On' that Yasuhiro Wada has previously spoken about;
- Five islands included;
- You can see the island from the last game, Hinata;
- As previously promised by Wada-san, this will be Wi-Fi compatible, for the trading of items.
Steal Princess (NDS, Marvelous Interactive)
- Coming sometime in 2008;
- It will take an Action RPG format;
- The game is being worked on in conjunction with Climax (of Landstalker and Ladystalker fame);
- Aim of game is to become 'Anice the Pirate' and steal treasure from the 'Magic King';
- Weapons include a sword and whip, plus lots of items are to be introduced.

Caduceus New Blood (Wii, Atlus)
- The game we know as Trauma Centre: New Blood will hit Japan in Winter 2007;
- The main character this time is Marcus Vaughn;
- There will be co-operative play with two people performing surgery together;
- The game is set in America, with an all-new story;
- This time the story will be told with full voice acting.
Stay tuned for further updates...