Nintendo DS News | Climax RPG, New Harvest Moon, Card Hero and More...

By Adam Riley 10.10.2007 7

The latest issue of Famitsu magazine has now hit the streets and details have been lifted thanks to NeoGAF's Jonnyram, revealing a slew of new games for the Nintendo DS, plus much more. First up is:

Light Speed Card Battle: Card Hero (NDS, Nintendo)

  • Launching in December;
  • Sequel to 2000's Card Hero
  • Main characters are Satoru and Haruka, with the rival being Kiriwo;
  • A new batch of monsters will be introduced;
  • No mention of Wi-Fi, sadly.

Harvest Moon: Shining Sun & Friends (NDS, Marvelous Interactive)

  • Launching this Winter;
  • The sequel to 'The Island I Grew Up On' that Yasuhiro Wada has previously spoken about;
  • Five islands included;
  • You can see the island from the last game, Hinata;
  • As previously promised by Wada-san, this will be Wi-Fi compatible, for the trading of items.

Steal Princess (NDS, Marvelous Interactive)

  • Coming sometime in 2008;
  • It will take an Action RPG format;
  • The game is being worked on in conjunction with Climax (of Landstalker and Ladystalker fame);
  • Aim of game is to become 'Anice the Pirate' and steal treasure from the 'Magic King';
  • Weapons include a sword and whip, plus lots of items are to be introduced.

Caduceus New Blood (Wii, Atlus)

  • The game we know as Trauma Centre: New Blood will hit Japan in Winter 2007;
  • The main character this time is Marcus Vaughn;
  • There will be co-operative play with two people performing surgery together;
  • The game is set in America, with an all-new story;
  • This time the story will be told with full voice acting.
Finally, Famitsu has now reviewed Sonic Rush Adventure, giving Sega's title 8 / 7 / 8 / 9 (32/40).

Stay tuned for further updates...

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Finally, Famitsu has now reviewed Sonic Rush Adventure, giving Sega's title 8 / 7 / 8 / 9 (32/40).

Hey, watch it: once they bring out Sonic in 2D, the game start out to be good! That's what I always said...

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

The new Harvest Moon sounds great and a essential purchase. The new TC on Wii is going to be great with Co -Op. I did not know the game had full voice acting, I just though it had little bits here and there. It sounds great on paper and I hope it scores well in reviews.

( Edited on 11.10.2007 12:32 by Linkyshinks [LS] )

Nothing really new about Trauma Center, except that it will be set in America? I thought it was previously said to be set in Caduceus Europe.

& ANOTHER new Harvest Moon game? Bloody hell, Harvest Moon Island 1 isn't even out yet is it?

& Sonic Rush Adventure teh pawns Smilie

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Harvest Moon, Harvest Moon, lalalalalala!

Seriously though, when are we going to get the first one?

SuperLink said:
Nothing really new about Trauma Center, except that it will be set in America? I thought it was previously said to be set in Caduceus Europe.& ANOTHER new Harvest Moon game? Bloody hell, Harvest Moon Island 1 isnt even out yet is it?& Sonic Rush Adventure teh pawns Smilie

If this TC is not "new" enough I wont bother but even with the co op option it could be enough to make it a very fun game. I will be Partx the first one in order to get it.

CoOp in Trauma Center will be incredible, I mean, it's fun enough in single player. Maybe the CoOp will help me get over the lack of Dereks & Angies? Smilie

Oh, & I think I remember something about online CoOp too! Smilie I dunno if that's true though, or if it's just online scoreboards. Still, more games being WiFi for the sake of WiFi is only a good thing, as well as games being CoOp.

This universe needs more CoOp games, they're officially the greatest gaming experiance in the univarse.

That means Brawl will automatically be the best game ever made. SONIC & MARIO Smilie

( Edited on 11.10.2007 15:00 by SuperLink )

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Harvest Moon DS is the first DS HM game and it's been released worldwide already. HMDS for Girls is coming in early 2008 as HMDS: Cute...that was the 2nd game in Japan. The third game was The Island I Grew Up On, which is more advanced in appearance and proved to be the most successful HM game in Japan for a LONG time.

This latest entry, Shining Sun & Friends, will be Japan's fourth DS Harvest Moon in nearly three years! Smilie But hey, the HM market is clearly expanding if sales of the past three games are anything to go by, so I can see why Marvelous is keen to push another one out. Adding Wi-Fi into the mix is a great move as well, I reckon.

Steal Princess looks great...I've been playing Landstalker on VC lately and it's very impressive. I know a lot of the original Climax team has apparently left now, but hopefully there's still enough quality to make this decent.

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

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