Nintendo DS Media | First Videos of Advance Wars Sequel

By Adam Riley 06.10.2007 10

The first videos of the new Advance Wars strategy game for the Nintendo DS have now emerged, showing just how the game's style has changed. Check them out below:

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Box art for Advance Wars: Dark Conflict

Intelligent Systems







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Aww, but I liked the little solders jumping on the buildings.
Besides that, some nice new interface changes.

There's little to tell, especially since the video is sideways (what the heck?). But I too am liking the new interface.

Looks to me like a lot of the charm has been lost. Apart from that it looks pretty much the same as the previous Advance Wars games, which certainly isn't a bad thing. Double negative bitches!


Hard to tell indeed.
Can only see interface changes really...battle, but who cares? I'm sure most players turn them off after awhile.

As long as all the options are there from DS, its a must bye.
But if its really special or not is too early to tell.

ps. my neck hurts.

Mod Edit: Dark Flame, please use the edit button. No need to double post, especially if its just to add "my neck hurts".

( Edited on 06.10.2007 23:26 by Jacob4000 ) <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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Hm, the new style doesn't work for me yet. They should either stick with the cartoony graphics, or go all realistic. Not something in between, that looks silly.

I think.

All I want from this game are two things:

1. I want this game to continue the great gameplay it's known for, not to mention difficulty.

2. I also want this game to be online enabled, so I can wage advanced wars on people around the globe.

The graphics don't really matter

I don't post much, but I will appreciate any feedback on the posts I do make. Feel free to PM

I think people are reporting that they did indeed see the Wi-Fi logo on promo you could be in luck Smilie

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

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Okay, ALL the videos are sideways for me haha.
You can't really tell anything. But I hope they keep the interface and graphical style quite similar, but then add more depth to the battles themselves.

Im hoping there is a save option for vs battles against friends, instead of having to see a 3 hr battle through to the end or both call a truse cause the time is getting on.
Also would like to be able to aquire data when its not your turn, so you can see if an opponent has stepped in range for example.

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