a new report released by Atlus Japan, Etrian Odyssey is seen as a strong contender for future growth and Trauma Centre a 'cash-flow' series. However, 'DS Variety' games and a Wii project may be cancelled, plsu two RPG projects are hanging in the balance for unknown reasons. Stick around for further updates on this and more..." /> News: Nintendo News | Atlus Wii/DS Projects Hang in the Balance Page 1 - Cubed3

Nintendo News | Atlus Wii/DS Projects Hang in the Balance

By Adam Riley 05.10.2007 5

Quick News - In a new report released by Atlus Japan, Etrian Odyssey is seen as a strong contender for future growth and Trauma Centre a 'cash-flow' series. However, 'DS Variety' games and a Wii project may be cancelled, plsu two RPG projects are hanging in the balance for unknown reasons.

Stick around for further updates on this and more...

Box art for Trauma Centre: Second Opinion








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I bet they're gonna put focus on PS2/PS3 games or something then. ;-(

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Probably not, they're wise enough to know where the money lies. I hope that with these cancellations, they can put more effort into the next Trauma Center.

That's true, they've been pretty darn successful on Nintendo projects so hopefully some good can come from this..

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Atlus is one of my favorite companies, I hope they don't cancel anything Nintendo related.

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Nintendo really need to do whatever it takes to keep Atlus on board. I can really see them making some truly incredible games on Wii and DS and they seem to have grasped both platforms so much better than alot of other developers. Granted they havent made an abudance of games but the ones that have been released are of the highest quality and the Wii-make of Under the Knife was brilliant, it showed what can be done if time is taken implementing the Wii controls.

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