Nintendo VC News | First Neo Geo Game Hits Europe Today

By Adam Riley 05.10.2007 16

On Monday we revealed that Nintendo would be bringing the Neo Geo to Virtual Console in Europe very soon. Little did we know that it would be as soon as this Friday! But here we are with another VC update for Wii owners and here is the first ever Neo Geo game to grace the service.

Kicking off this week's Virtual Console treats is Fatal Fury, originally release for NEO GEO. Launched in 1991, this is an action-packed beat 'em up which helped to shape the genre. Players can choose from one of three playable fighters: Terry Bogard, Andy Bogard and Joe Higashi, each with their own unique moves. The aim of the game is to defeat a variety of foes on the way to a show-down with the South Town crime boss Geese Howard. Fatal Fury is available now for 900 Wii Points.

Next in this week's line-up is the incredible Streets of Rage 3, originally released on SEGA MEGA DRIVE in 1994. The Syndicate and sinister Mr X are back and tormenting the city once again with life-like robots which have taken the place of various city officials. It's up to well-loved heroes Axel, Skate and Blaze to foil this plot with their mind-blowing fighting abilities. Streets of Rage 3 features more weapons, control moves and faster gameplay than previous games in the series, as well as secret characters and multiple endings to unlock. Available to download on Virtual Console for 800 Wii Points, this is one game you definitely won't want to miss.

If you feel like embarking on an epic quest, then this week's Virtual Console has just the game for you with Golden Axe III, the final title in the Golden Axe series. Once again a peaceful kingdom is under threat from the Prince of Darkness who has stolen the mystical Golden Axe and rendered all of its warrior's harmless thanks to an evil curse. But all is not lost; one warrior has broken free of the evil curse and can fight the prince to regain the Golden Axe and save his kingdom. Players can select one of three characters, a giant, a panther or a sword-wielding human in this classic one

Box art for Fatal Fury



SNK Playmore





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European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date Out now   

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Wow that is a surprise. I always played Fatal Fury in the Arcades while bunking off on the odd occasion. I look forward to playing it on by Baddass new Bravia.

An elvish treasure hunter called


Nigel. Lets hope he can stop the Evil Bob from capturing the lovely princess Burt.

But ZOMG! It's still Thursday! O_O

ZOMG No Super Metroid Smilie

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Wow... this soon?

What do you say? Is Fatal Fury worth downloading?

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

I never owned a Neo Geo, just played the games in arcades many years ago. They'll be a great addition to VC.Smilie

"First Neo Geo Game Hits Europe Today"

Well, that's a complete lie. Try "Tomorrow"

I'd rather it was Neo Geo Pocket Colour, because then we'd actually be able to afford it, & then I'd finally be able to get/play Sonic Pocket Adventure. Smilie

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

lulioz @ early news posting in teh 4rumz.

Can somebody give me a run down on what NEO-GEO Games are like, i've got a fairly good idea. Also anybody have an idea of the points they'll cost? Thanks. Good news none the less. not the memory of my wii though Smilie

Laurelin said:
Wow... this soon?What do you say? Is Fatal Fury worth downloading?

No, however Fatal Fury 2 "special" is. It all really depends on how much you love 2D fighters, it's only a must for me as a collector. Dont even get 2 when they release that it's not as good as 2 special.

My biggest wants-

Fatal Fury 3: Final Road To Victory
Last of the FF games before the Real Bout Fatal Fury games, this is really underrated, and i think you can play as the ultimate SNK baddie, Geese Howard in this one.

Mark Of The Wolves [Garou]
It might look like a next gen title that couldn't make the VC but i assure you this was a Neo Geo game! If this becomes available just get it, it's a brilliant fighting game, the best ever i think, it is so stylish and cool.

Last Blade
Another lost classic, this is the older, more grown up brother of Samurai Showdown, this is even better than MOTW in the eyes of many SNK fans.

Kizuna Encounter- the rarest AES cart there is, I would love to play this.

Samurai Showdown 1/2- Both of these are essential, really beautiful animation and top class gameplay.

King Of Fighters 95-98
The grand master of SNK fighting games, the installments between 95-98 were the most playable.

Classic isometric modelled shooter with great effects and music


( Edited on 04.10.2007 16:24 by Linkyshinks [LS] )

Ah, NOW it's Friday! Smilie Sorry for the mix-up; for some reason I had it in my head yesterday was Friday...wishful thinking, I suppose.

Anyway, Landstalker's meant to be a great RPG...Can't wait to try out Fatal Fury as well.

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

I'm actually glad that today is Friday... but not at the same time. I have a really annoying piece of Graphics homework in for Monday. Not looking forward to doing that >.<

So I guess I'll have to wait another week or two for Super Metroid. Smilie For some reason I was convinced it'd be this week.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Well, shaping up my work, glad today is Friday, as I have to do some smoothing.

Hey, don't say anything against elves, they kicked Sauron once... *eg*

Meh, Neo Geo: great! Almost fighting games only: not good. But graphic's great. Neo Geo was far better in graphics in the past as is PS3 now - but almost at the same hilarious expensive price. You can say it was able to do arcade-graphics and gameplay at home for the price of a small car (joking, but it was expensive back then!)
Neo Geo:

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

downloaded Fatal Fury..,, Not great but a nice fighter. As one would expect very arcadey, hence the 'just one more go' effect it has on you. It should be 700 or less points but Neo Geo games were expensive. It needs an arcade sick the one Hori have planned (Wireless wii stick)Hmmm an adapter for sega's Dreamcast Stick would be perfect. Would love it if Sega or Snk would produce a Neo geo arcade stick for WII. Otherwise you lose half of the playability. Sega did actually make neo geo stick for ps2!!!!!

( Edited on 05.10.2007 11:27 by topbanana )

SuperLink said:
Im actually glad that today is Friday... but not at the same time. I have a really annoying piece of Graphics homework in for Monday. Not looking forward to doing that >. For some reason I was convinced itd be this week.

Nah, Super Metroid will be up around MP3's release.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't these group of games the ones that take up a huge amount of memory?

( Edited on 05.10.2007 11:29 by Darkspine S )

topbanana said:
downloaded Fatal Fury..,, Not great but a nice fighter. As one would expect very arcadey, hence the just one more go effect it has on you. It should be 700 or less points but Neo Geo games were expensive. It needs an arcade sick the one Hori have planned (Wireless wii stick)Hmmm an adapter for segas Dreamcast Stick would be perfect. Would love it if Sega or Snk would produce a Neo geo arcade stick for WII. Otherwise you lose half of the playability. Sega did actually make neo geo stick for ps2!!!!!( Edited on 05.10.2007 11:27 by topbanana )

Hori Fighter Stick costs

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