
By Jorge Ba-oh 29.09.2007 4

Ubisoft Talks Jam Sessions (Nintendo DS)
Interview by Adam Riley :: Saturday 29th September 2007

When Hiite Utaeru DS Guitar M-06 was released in Japan it quickly gained cult status in the West due to it turning your DS into a guitar. Now Ubisoft is bringing Plato's small-time (selling just over 15,000 units in Japan to date) title to Europe and Cubed3 got the chance for an interview to see what has changed in the localistation transition and to see what the future holds.

Cubed3's Adam Riley: What made Ubisoft decide to bring such a niche game over from Japan?

Mike Masuku, UK Brand Manager for Jam Sessions: I personally don't think this is a niche product at all. Ubisoft identified that this product had potential in the Western market, if adapted and put to market in the right way. It is a title that will appeal to a wider audience than any Ubisoft game to date.

AR: The game did not sell in great numbers in Japan at all. Does Ubisoft have greater expectations for the US and European releases?

MM: We do have much greater expectations for the European and US release. We have made the game easily accessible, so you do not need any musical experience to pick up and play. We have also added functions that appeal to experienced musicians.

AR: Have there been any changes made to the game itself now Ubisoft is translating it?

MM: The key changes that have been made are: we have added several tutorials, ranging from how to hold your DS to get the most out of it

Box art for Jam Sessions








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Interesting interview - particular the hint of a Jam Sessions on Wii. Utilising the Wii remotes as drumsticks is the most obvious idea. I like the looks of this title, and the fact that it includes a mini amp as well if you pay a higher price, but it's probably not one for me to be actually buying. I'd love to give it a try though sometime.

Nice one Adam. Smilie

It's a really fun little programme and the fact that you can free play is wonderful...I've seen several videos of music artists using Jam Sessions for their songs and it really is damn impressive!

I reckon since Ubisoft has given Plato's game such a push in the US and Europe there is absolutely no chance the two won't work together in the future...and the Wii would be an ideal choice.

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

I aquired it not to long ago, its not at all bad, though you just have to see through the fact that its not a game. There is no scores, etc. Its far more, as jesusraz has said a program. Free play is great, and the sounds are quite wounderfull. It's great for learner guitarists to get the feel chords, and an all round fun learning game.

I think that jam sessions has a hell of a lot of potential. I'd like to see a second, though instead of the single whole bar, to strum apon, individual strings. Would give a whole new concept to work apon.

"Study this revelation, you nest of adders!"

It's a shame this game hasn't taken off in the UK like many thought it would do. GAME has had a large display of Jam Sessions games up in Manchester, yet the title has not cracked the DS Top 30 over here in the two weeks it's been on release...

Doesn't bode well for the future Smilie And I'd love to see Plato do a drums version for Wii...

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

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