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Nintendo Media | Amazing Kingdom Hearts DS Scans

By Adam Riley 26.09.2007 12

Quick News - neo2046 on NeoGAF has uncovered three gorgeous scans of Kingdom Hearts 385/2 Days for DS, which also re-confirm the developer as h.a.n.d. (Chocobo Tales), multiplayer gaming is mission-based, with friends playing as Organisation XIII members and the scenario is compared to Crisis Core.

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    Box art for Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days

    Square Enix


    Square Enix


    Real Time RPG



    C3 Score

    Rated $score out of 10  7/10

    Reader Score

    Rated $score out of 10  9/10 (23 Votes)

    European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date Out now   

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    Scans dont work.

    "Not Found" What gives?

    Just put ds in between kh robert, e.g.

    ( Edited on 26.09.2007 13:39 by irfman )

    Works for me, I must be special.

    Mike Gee of iZINE said, "...The Verve, as he [Richard Ashcroft] promised, had become the greatest band in the world. Most of the critics agreed with him. Most paid due homage. The Verve were no longer the question mark or the clich�. They were the statement and the definition."

    wow XD ohhhh fuc% yeah looking good cant wait to get my hands on it XD and good to see all the CS useing the ps2 game

    <_< and its Organization XIII not XIII Org lol

    Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days
    - The full meaning behind the title can only be understood once you complete the game.
    - The first idea that came from this game was to show the daily life of the Organization.
    - This is based off of after Roxas entered Organization XIII, this game will also revolve around the one year when Sora is asleep. (A direct sequel to COM basically)
    - Roxas has doubt, and begins to believe if it's better to leave the Organization or not.
    - The scan says that the 14th member is not Namine, however IS a key character to the story.
    - You will still be going through Disney Worlds
    - Roxas vs Riku will be in the game!
    - There is a system that allows you to see the memories of Sora.
    - Multiplayer mode is not related at all to the story.
    - ALL XIII MEMBERS can be used in Multiplayer mode.
    - Every member has a unique style of gameplay, also once you defeat the boss you can replay the mission again as much as you want to. There are different missions for each character.
    - You can draw for fun in the second screen.
    - Everytime you complete a mission, one of the Organization chairs raise a bit higher.

    ( Edited on 26.09.2007 19:36 by Jump_button )

    looks quite good.

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    Will Square ever cease with the amazing looking games? The Wii needs Square to bring out it's potential. Chocobo Dungeon & FFCC are probably some of the best looking Wii games.

    This game looks great too. From the looks of things it's not based on a children's card game battle system, so that's good news ^^

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    Tis amazing what Square are capable of. Any news on what the single player is?

    Except for the stupid title, this is looking fantastic.Smilie

    Great great Graphics! A lot of improvements from Final Fantasy II to this game. I am astounded what DS is capable of. Now I am sure Sqenix does great graphics on Wii for their titles there.
    Looks like 'I want to play this'.

    I find your lack of faith disturbing!

    That even looks better than there FF DS games!!
    Awesome Smilie

    square-isn't going to go all out on the wii like they are with the ps3. if u want more wii square games u should buy games like Dragon Quest Swords when that releases in the U.S. longer of a wait in other countries.

    The wii & Ds need Golden Sun. this looks good though

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