
By Jorge Ba-oh 24.09.2007 7

Playlogic Talks Obscure II Wii
Interview by Adam Riley :: Monday September 24th 2007

When Playlogic revealed that it was set to bring a sequel to its horror game 'Obscure', many were surprised that it was not only coming to PlayStation 2 but Ninendo's Wii as well. Now Cubed3 has sat down with the team to see what Wii owners can expect, find out how the title plays, what is different from the Sony edition and if Obscure will ever have a future on the DS. Check out the full interview below...

Cubed3's Adam Riley: First of all, could you please tell us your role on this project and how large the team is?

Jesse America: I am Jesse America, the Producer on Obscure 2 for Playlogic, and during the development of the game, the team varied in size between 20-30 people.

AR: What made you decide to bring the sequel to Obscure to the Wii this time?

JA: Obscure 2, though a horror game, is more mainstream than other survival horror titles because it builds upon and is inspired by "scary movies" that are currently on DVD or in cinemas. That genre of entertainment is pretty much accepted now as a fun way to spend an evening. The Wii, if anybody failed to notice, is the biggest mainstream gaming device out there together with the DS. Bringing Obscure 2 to the Wii was a logical step for us: we want guys or girls to be able to play this game with their partners who might not have previously liked gaming, but have been turned on to the idea by the Wii. Obscure 2 then, is a perfect title to bring them a little bit further into the fold *grins*

AR: What will be the main differences between the PlayStation 2 and Wii editions of the game?

JA: The controls will be specifically designed for the Wii, and there will be a lot of new content. And no, I am not gonna tell you what it is...

AR: How have you found developing for Nintendo's new hardware so far? Have you come across any particular hurdles during the development process?

JA: Nintendo is an excellent partner for us and we've had no problems using their hardware. The support we receive from them is great, so we have everything we need to create the game.

AR: There has been a tendency for some developers to simply use the Wii's motion control in a rather 'gimmicky' manner. How are you planning on implementing control in a way that is beneficial to the actual gameplay?

JA: I cannot comment on that just yet because that part is also still in development, but I can assure you that you will be pleasantly surprised! We have got some cool stuff planned...

AR: Considering many Nintendo fans may have missed the first Obscure, is there some sort of explanation included or is the storyline completely detached in this sequel?

JA: There are explanations throughout the game about what happened in part one, and the game can stand on its own. It's just like most horror movies: usually you don't need to see the preceding part, because aside from some references, they are pretty self-contained most of the time.

AR: Can you please discuss a little about the six playable characters on offer? Will each have different attributes and abilities?

JA: The six playable characters are all unique and you know them from the kind of movies we took our inspiration from. You have the blonde, who is actually not as dumb as you might have thought. You have the jock and de geek. There is a 'Jackass' character in there as well as the dropout and goth girl. They all have their own special abilities, which you have to use at certain points in the game to make it through.

AR: How will the multiplayer aspect work?

JA: We are in the process of finding out a way that enables the best use of the Wiimotes in multiplayer. It is still early in development, so there is not much more to tell about it at this moment.

AR: With Escape from Bug Island, Resident Evil 4: Wii Edition and RE Umbrella Chronicles due out in 2007, is there any fear that Obscure II may get overlooked?

JA: We certainly hope not! But seriously, we think Obscure II is going to be a great game and hope the press will think the same and give Obscure II the attention it deserves.

AR: How do you think your game stands out from the Capcom duo?

JA: Well, Obscure II is more light hearted compared to the RE games. This and the unique co-op mode off the game, aim at a different experience when playing.

AR: Will you be considering making use of either the Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection for online play or WiiConnect24 for downloadable updates or extras?

JA: At present this is not in our plans.

AR: Has any thought gone into adapting a version for the DS? Would this be technically feasible, do you feel?

JA: Actually yes, we are seriously considering this, and I have written down some ideas and designs, but it would be an entirely new game. I think that the DS is an extremely interesting piece of hardware, and I wouldn't mind seeing what we could come up with. I have been very much inspired by Hotel Dusk I must say. So who knows?

AR: Also, what are your thoughts on Nintendo's WiiWare download service? Would you ever consider creating something new for release on that system?

JA: Naturally we always consider all possible channels of distribution. This is an exciting time for us and I am pretty sure that something like that might happen somewhere along the line.

* * *

Be sure to check out our wealth of exclusive interviews by following this link:

Box art for Obscure II
Also known as

Obscure: The Aftermath









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Damn sweet interview Adam, pretty creepy game!

Supposed to be out now right? Don't think I've seen this in stores.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

I played it a bit in Lipzieg, seemed pretty good.

Currently playing though Tunguska, then I'm getting Penumbra, but I'll pick this up for wii when I see it. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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Very interesting to hear they already have ideas for a potential DS version! We definitely need some portable horror...

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

jesusraz said:
Very interesting to hear they already have ideas for a potential DS version! We definitely need some portable horror...

That's true, a point and click horror adventure would be awesome. Like an interactive thriller/horror novel.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

As much as the port of Resident Evil was 'okay', it was not as good as it could have been. Dead 'N' Furious / Touch the Dead is very good, but it's an on-rails shooters...I'm after something a bit more slow-paced, like you say Jorge, a point-and-click style affair with lots of things to make you jump would be perfect!

Playlogic, I hope you're reading this Smilie

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

I really cant wait for this sequal too come out because the first game was amazing and i hope it will be as good as the fist one. Cant wait.

SuperYoshi6 PSN name
3DS friend code 2878-9581-8999

When is this game supposed to come out?

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