Nintendo DS Media | Time Hollow Trailer (Konami Adventure)

By Adam Riley 23.09.2007 3

Konami's new stylish DS game 'Time Hollow' has been unveiled at this year's Tokyo Games Show, with first details and confirmation of a Western release being announced.

Check out the trailer below:

School boy Horo Tokio is the protagonist of the adventure and in his possession is a mysterious hollow pen that rips holes in space and time, allowing him to travel back and change things. The game begins with Horo talking to classmates, and when the conversation ends it is stored as a 'flashback', which can then be altered by using the hollow pen to go back in time, changing events by drawing on the lower screen, highlighting what should be changed. The problem is that highlighting the wrong aspect to change can have devastating effects on the current 'present time', meaning you will need to go back and alters things in a slightly different way.

Expect more details about this intriguing adventure closer to the game's Japanese release on 24th January, 2008. The game has also been confirmed for a Western release later next year.

Box art for Time Hollow








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Would've been nice to see a bit more in-game footage. But any game that revolves around a time-controlling pen has me interested anyway.

True, but I'm already taken by the style of this game...seems like the first major push from Konami on DS!

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

I like the look of this also, it sounds great in concept and sytlistically it's very nice a well polished. I dont know wheteher this means more production on the Ds from Konami, but if it does well I hope so. They have a lot of great titles they could bring. You sem to think it is, why so?, what else is coming?, to jog my memory if need be.

Konami Racers would be very cool on the DS, that would be a great start! [luv the GBA game]

( Edited on 25.09.2007 09:54 by Linkyshinks [LS] )

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