Nintendo News | More Details on Kingdom Hearts DS

By Jorge Ba-oh 21.09.2007 17

Square Enix have issued a press release with a few tidbits of information on the upcoming DS entry into the Kingdom Hearts franchise, 358/2 Days.

The untold story of another hero.

In Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days, players explore a variety of Disney worlds in not only single-player mode, but also in multiplayer missions made possible by the unique networking features of the Nintendo DS.

Twilight Town

    Roxas and Axel were watching the sunset from their usual spot on the station's clock tower after a long day of collecting "hearts" from the Heartless, as ordered by their organization. When their daily work ended, they often spent their evenings there. They talked about the day's work and other things over ice cream.

    "Do you know why the sun looks red as it sinks below the horizon? It's because among the countless colours comprising light, red travels the greatest distance."

    "You're just trying to show off, Axel!"

    It was idle chatter between two boys without hearts.
    This is the untold story of Organization XIII's Roxas.

Members working on the project:

  • Director : Tetsuya Nomura (FINAL FANTASY V-VIII, X, FINAL FANTASY VII
  • Co-director: Tomohiro Hasegawa (FINAL FANTASY VIII, X, KINGDOM HEARTS series)
  • Producer: Patrick Chen (KINGDOM HEARTS series)
    Executive Producer: Shinji Hashimoto (KINGDOM HEARTS series)

    Be sure to stick around for updates...

  • Box art for Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days

    Square Enix


    Square Enix


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    Smilie i post all that the other day lol

    lol you did ^__^ dude your a big fan, you think you can get some screens on the DS one lol (358/2 day)

    Oh man I hope this isn't a card game...and where the hell is Kindgom Hearts III!! Just announce for the PS3 or Wii already damn it!

    BREAKING NEWS : Kingdom Hearts III announced for XBOX 360! Smilie

    tiamat1990 said:
    Oh man I hope this isnt a card game...and where the hell is Kindgom Hearts III!! Just announce for the PS3 or Wii already damn it!
    Breaking news! Kingdom Hearts III doesn't, & may never exist! Smilie

    Which is actually true. Square have said that the original Kingdom Hearts series is over, & from there they will carry the series on by making new series' I guess like the Megaman games but with less games per series (& probably better too)

    If it's not card based I'll get it. If it's card based I won't.

    Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

    SuperLink said:
    tiamat1990 said:Oh man I hope this isnt a card game...and where the hell is Kindgom Hearts III!! Just announce for the PS3 or Wii already damn it!
    Breaking news! Kingdom Hearts III doesnt, & may never exist! SmilieWhich is actually true. Square have said that the original Kingdom Hearts series is over, & from there they will carry the series on by making new series I guess like the Megaman games but with less games per series (& probably better too)If its not card based Ill get it. If its card based I wont.

    dont joke about KH with me around lol

    KH3 is the Keyblade Wars Smilie cant bloody wait, on the end of KH2remix they this

    they did the same for KH 2 on the end of KH1 and it show alot what KH2 was going to be about so XD

    ( Edited on 21.09.2007 22:52 by Jump_button )

    Yeah, that game isn't Kingdom Hearts III, it's Birth By Sleep. Birth By Sleep is a prequel to Kingdom Hearts based around other Keyblade users, & features the characters shown in the KHII FM+ trailer.

    Kingdom Hearts is going to live on in the new series'.

    Birth By Sleep

    Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

    SuperLink said:
    Yeah, that game isnt Kingdom Hearts III, its Birth By Sleep. Birth By Sleep is a prequel to Kingdom Hearts based around other Keyblade users, & features the characters shown in the KHII FM+ trailer.Kingdom Hearts is going to live on in the new series. By Sleep

    no it say it start from that not it start there

    so the war start when from what every happens in that one lol

    Wikipedia says:
    Birth by Sleep focuses on the story of Keyblade masters before Sora from the original Kingdom Hearts game[6] and appears to be a prequel.[5][7] It is also believed to be connected to the unlockable trailer at the end of Kingdom Hearts II.[7] The game will be divided into three scenarios.[1] The story revolves around three Keyblade apprentices in search of a missing Keyblade master, Master Xehanort,[2] and his apprentice.[3] Their disappearance foreshadowed a great disaster.[1]

    Wikipedia says:Nomura has referred to the new sequels as a whole new series and stated, "The next title won't just be Kingdom Hearts III. If it were III, we wouldn't call it a new series."

    The trailer is of the PSP game, I'm pretty sure of that.

    There may be a KH III eventually, but not anytime soon.

    Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

    SuperLink said:
    Wikipedia says:Birth by Sleep focuses on the story of Keyblade masters before Sora from the original Kingdom Hearts game[6] and appears to be a prequel.[5][7] It is also believed to be connected to the unlockable trailer at the end of Kingdom Hearts II.[7] The game will be divided into three scenarios.[1] The story revolves around three Keyblade apprentices in search of a missing Keyblade master, Master Xehanort,[2] and his apprentice.[3] Their disappearance foreshadowed a great disaster.[1]
    Wikipedia says:Nomura has referred to the new sequels as a whole new series and stated, The next title wont just be Kingdom Hearts III. If it were III, we wouldnt call it a new series.
    The trailer is of the PSP game, Im pretty sure of that.There may be a KH III eventually, but not anytime soon.

    that about it not be the same game they alot of ppl saying they move out side disey and going to other worlds

    Birth by Sleep is on the psp

    Jump_button said:
    Birth by Sleep is on the psp
    I know, I'm saying that the trailer at the end of KHII Final Mix+ is a trailer of Birth by Sleep.

    Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

    Birth by Sleep focuses on the story of Keyblade masters before Sora from the original Kingdom Hearts game

    how can it be b4 when it Keyblade Wars? and u can tell when it set it got Roxas in it! who is Sora's nobody from when we was a heartless for a bit in KH1

    Maybe because the Keyblade Wars are before Kingdom Hearts? It's never said anywhere that they were after has it?

    Besides, Roxas isn't in Birth By Sleep, at least he hasn't been announced in it.

    Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

    SuperLink said:
    Maybe because the Keyblade Wars are before Kingdom Hearts? Its never said anywhere that they were after has it?Besides, Roxas isnt in Birth By Sleep, at least he hasnt been announced in it.

    yeah so that FMV cant be Birth By Sleep then so it must be KH3 ;b

    Description of the trailer shown behind closed doors:

    Scenes of the ending of Kingdom Hearts 1 flash by on the screen, and two phrases are seen clearly onscreen. One reads

    Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

    The video at the end of KHII+ is indeed related to the PSP game, Birth by Sleep. There is also a third game in development for mobile phones called 'Kingdom Hearts: Coded'.

    Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

    UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

    I've always wanted Sora and co. to not only visit Disney worlds, but also Final Fantasy Worlds.

    I won't mind if this is card game, I enjoyed CoM.

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