Nintendo DS Media | Gorgeous Final Fantasy IV Footage

By Adam Riley 20.09.2007 12

Square Enix's full 3D remake of SNES game Final Fantasy IV for the Nintendo DS is coming together wonderfully and new footage from the Tokyo Games Show has now emerged. See it in motion below:

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Box art for Final Fantasy IV



Square Enix


Turn Based RPG



C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  9/10

Reader Score

Rated $score out of 10  8/10 (3 Votes)

European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date Out now   

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Tis very gorgeous indeed mr Raz, liking the sweet animations and character models, suprising it's for DS! Difficult to see what's better now - DQ DS or FF DS.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

lol cant wait XD

ps it say NO PICS at the button lol

Whys the song hotaru no hikari?...its like the national anthem.

Avoid Games Like the Plague, productivity++

Looks great! I played this is a likkle one on my SNES, so may end up getting this.

What I really want is for FF6 to be fully remade for the DS though - one of my favorite games ever.

Jacob4000 said:
Looks great! I played this is a likkle one on my SNES, so may end up getting this.What I really want is for FF6 to be fully remade for the DS though - one of my favorite games ever.

me too but i think ff5 will be next then ff6 XD they done 3 and and working on this so i hope they keep up the good work ^^

I hope FFVI is remade in 3D before the DS era is over, or for the DS' successor.

That footage literally made me drool from the mouth, it looks incredible... I can't really describe how I feel about it. Apart from...

DID YOU SEE RYDIA?!?!!? Smilie

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Oh...I never thought that "Auld Lang Syne(??)" would ever sound epic but it does here.



The good thing about all these remakes, is that every one looks even better than the last visually.

And because its FF you know the gameplay is going to be good!!!

Number 7 needs to be released (the one that had like 20 discs from the PSOne) looks good though. I hope its better than FF3, i just thought that game lacked something, oh yeah i know what it is, a decent use for the bottom screen!

lol 20? It was on 3 disks.

Smilie, lovely. FFIV is more my thing though.

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