has confirmed Kingdom Hearts: 358 / 2 Days will come to DS. Literally '358 Over 2 Days', the game will focus on Roxas from KHII, has four-player simultaneous play using members of Organisation XIII, will be in full 3D and is co-developed by h.a.n.d., who did Final Fantasy Fables: Chocobo Tales. Stick around for further updates..." /> News: Nintendo News | Kingdom Hearts Confirmed for DS! Page 1 - Cubed3

Nintendo News | Kingdom Hearts Confirmed for DS!

By Adam Riley 20.09.2007 11

Quick News - Square Enix has confirmed Kingdom Hearts: 358 / 2 Days will come to DS. Literally '358 Over 2 Days', the game will focus on Roxas from KHII, has four-player simultaneous play using members of Organisation XIII, will be in full 3D, has a 'time' theme, and is co-developed by h.a.n.d., who did Final Fantasy Fables: Chocobo Tales.

Stick around for further updates...

Box art for Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories

Jupiter Corp


Square Enix





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Of course, that's just an opinion.

Great to hear. Looking forward to see how this turns out.

So there's no Kingdom Hearts 3 then, just as we all thought. Still I reckon a lot of people will say the PSP version is the next "proper" KH game.

*Hopes the DS verwsion turns out better*

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yeah Roxas!

Kingdom Hearts: 358/2 Days

Organization XIII, No. 13, Roxas
The untold story of a new protagonist

In single player mode, go and explore all of the Disney worlds! Then in multiplayer mode, go and do missions with your friends!


Twilight Town.
As always, Roxas and Axel are watching the sun from the clock tower.
Their mission as members of the Organization: find and destroy Heartless, and collect their hearts.
And at the end of that mission, they always meet up at that clock tower, eat ice-cream together and chat about the day's missions.

"Do you know why the evening sun is red? It's because light has lots of colours, and of all of those, red reaches us from the furthest away."
"What're you getting all proud about, Axel?"

Two who should not have hearts, continuing to engage in their exclusive conversation.
This is the untold story of Roxas's time in Organization XIII...


Director: Tetsuya Nomura
Co-Director: Tomohiro Hasegawa
Producer: Patrick Chen
Executive Producer: Shinji Hashimoto
Production Company: h.a.n.d. Inc.

Game Information

Name: Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days
System: Nintendo DS
Genre: RPG
Release Date: Unknown
Estimated Price: Unknown
CERO Rating: Unknown
Copyright: Disney Enterprises, Inc. Developed by Square-Enix/h.a.n.d.

Images in Spoiler Tag:

The trailer starts from the scene where re:COM ended, afterwards the words "The other side attached to Sora still sleeps" and "The mind comes back whenever they touch." The scene then moves to Twilight Town, where Roxas, and Axel are sitting on the edge, as seen in KH2FM+.

Soon the trailer switches to Roxas being invited to the Organization XIII, and introduced to them, which soon cuts out to another scene of Roxas joining the Organization for the first time. Soon the scene then switches to the King talking about Axel, and Saix with Roxas pulling out his keyblade, moving into gameplay.

The gameplay features Roxas fighting with other Organization Members in a multiplayer game. This one confirms the allowance of being able to play as Roxas, Axel, Saix and Xigbar.

The scene then switches to Xemnas talking towards other Organization members. Xemnas explains that a 14th member has joined the Organization, and the 14th member appears to be a female, wearing a black hood. Soon the title comes up as "Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days"

You can then hear Roxas in the background saying "I will disappear from this world in 151 days"

XD can u tell iam a fan of KH games lol

( Edited on 20.09.2007 12:25 by Jump_button )

Mod Edit: I just spoiler tagg'd your images, seeing as they were causing massive page stretch.

( Edited on 20.09.2007 17:20 by Jacob4000 )

I wish it would come out on Wii instead. I don't like playing long games on my DS... handhelds are better for games which you play in short bursts.

iCAME said:
I wish it would come out on Wii instead. I dont like playing long games on my DS... handhelds are better for games which you play in short bursts.

Agreed, but I still will likely get and enjoy this game. I doubt that a Wii game is too far away, even if it is a port and compilation of 1 & 2.

PS - Jump, please shrink that picture will you - it is stretching the page.

Temporarily banned until further notice.

^^^Here's hoping. I might give it a miss on DS, it all depends. The only long game I can see playing on DS is zelda.

iCAME said:
I wish it would come out on Wii instead. I dont like playing long games on my DS... handhelds are better for games which you play in short bursts.

I'll have to disagree. I could play any portable games as long as I wanted. The portability allows for maximum comfort. I could play in bed, the toilet, on the bus, etc and not be restricted in front of the tele.

I agree with mOojc. Handhelds are GREAT for long games, because you can continue them wherever you want. It's one of the reason Pok

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

mOojc said:
iCAME said:I wish it would come out on Wii instead. I dont like playing long games on my DS... handhelds are better for games which you play in short bursts.
Ill have to disagree. I could play any portable games as long as I wanted. The portability allows for maximum comfort. I could play in bed, the toilet, on the bus, etc and not be restricted in front of the tele.

Amen to that; I love long adventures on my handhelds, as I can play them anywhere. Short games are great too, of course, but I enjoy a lengthy adventure just as much on my DS.

Anyhow, more good news for Nintendo, and another burn for Sony. I may pick this up. Might get me into the series, seeing as I haven't played the others.

Oh...I just had an orgasm.

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