Alongside the bigger Wii games comes one of the most anticipated sequels for DS, Sonic Rush Adventure, as the never-slowing hedgehog makes his return to Nintendo's dual screen portable.

Be sure to stick around for further updates...
By Jorge Ba-oh 14.09.2007
Alongside the bigger Wii games comes one of the most anticipated sequels for DS, Sonic Rush Adventure, as the never-slowing hedgehog makes his return to Nintendo's dual screen portable.
Be sure to stick around for further updates...
(10 Votes)
It's looking sweet.
It's IS out today right? Has anyone seen it? I hate it when they delay a game on the day of it's release. They did it with Sonic Heroes, & Sonic Advance 2 aswell.
& DragonBall Z BT2 on Wii, like 3 times.
Great to see the 2D games still retaining the charm of Sonic. Loved Rush, and will no doubt enjoy the sequel too.
SuperLink said:Its looking sweet.Its IS out today right?
I thought it was out on the 28th...
( Edited on 14.09.2007 11:32 by Celebi3000 )
No it's out today, the mini site says it's on sale.
Oh? Its out in the UK now? Awesome. Shame I have to spend my money on Super Paper Mario instead.
Yeah, they pulled it forward, Europe is now the first region to get it, lucky us
Anyway, I'll be getting the game eventually, it usually takes a while to deliver, & I bought Super Paper Mario anyway.
jb said:For shame!
BwhahaTis also out on torr.. :p
You can expect a full C3 review very soon indeed!
(Spoiler: It’s fantastic )
I was hoping so!
Sonic Team are a weird bunch aren't they?
I can't wait to get it! *squee*
Yea i was baffled to the date on this, it didnt seem right that Europe was getting it first so i assumed 28th too. I was gunna get it but with a plethora of games to go through i doubt i'll get this for a while
I just bought Sonic Rush Adventure.
I've yet to play it though, I also got Super Paper Mario and Mario Strikers Charged Football, and I've been playing SPM (which rocks).
Sonic Team are a weird bunch aren't they?
Good game, bad game, bad game, bad game, good game, bad game etc. Bonkers. I'm guessing that different departments do different games, so you get the variable quality.
SRA better be a little less cheap with the bottomless pits and pop-in enemies.
Loved Rush, I hope I will love this more but I wont be getting it just yet, not until next year maybe with the amount of games I need to buy that take priority over this.
Looks pretty much 3D to me, actually.
sonic always doin his stuff luv that he come back in 2D
now for what will be the best?
will sonic make the cut?