Nintendo Wii/DS Speculation | More Tingle RPGs on the Way?

By Adam Riley 10.09.2007 3

Freshly Picked: Tingle's Rosy Rupeeland is heading to European stores on 14th September and now Nintendo of Europe has conducted an interview with game producer Kensuke Tanabe from Nintendo (SPD3) and supervisor Mari Shirakawa from the game's developer Vanpool. Check out a couple of choice quotes below, indicating Tingle could well be coming back again in the near future, most likely as a lead character once more:

NoE: How do you see the future for Tingle? Will we see him again in Zelda games or will he be doing his own thing from now?

KT: "I heard from EAD that they decided not to use Tingle after Wind Waker because Tingle was unpopular, especially in the US. As a matter of fact, he did not actually appear in Twilight Princess. You may want to ask Mr. Aonuma about the future plan!

"As for our team, SPD3 (Software Planning & Development Department, Production Group No.3), we have just started on our making-Tingle-a-main-character-project. In the works we produce, he will continue to move in his own direction."

NoE: Do you have plans for a Wii game featuring Tingle, and if so, what kind of game would that be?

MS: "We hope to spread this unique character around, more and more all over the world. Unfortunately, however, there isn't any concrete plan at this point in time. Meanwhile, I am actually curious about what impression European players will have of ths title and what kind of sequel they will expect."

The full interview can be read here.

Are any European readers planning on picking up this quirky but extremely fun game when it hits this Friday? Or are any US readers planning on importing? Let us know below and share your thoughts on potential future Tingle games...

Box art for Freshly Picked Tingle's Rosy Rupeeland








C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  6/10

Reader Score

Rated $score out of 10  10/10 (24 Votes)

European release date Out now   North America release date None   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date TBA   

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im importing

And yet again, NoE makes the wrong move and gives us an RPG a lot of people would rather avoid like a plague; let's face it, even if it is decent, nobody wants to be seen playing a game with Tingle as the lead role, not here anyway.

This isn't the first time NoE gives us a game before the US that isn't exactly considered amazing - remember Doshin the Giant?

Why this and not Smash Bros Brawl.. This mystery will keep me up for many late nights

Oh well, everyone will probably be picking up Super Paper Mario anyway, which happens to be out on the same day.


I want it!

Bring it to the US!

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