Nintendo Wii/DS News | Trademarks: Pikmin, Miis, Magic & More Revealed...

By Adam Riley 04.09.2007 8

Every now and then someone stumbles across the latest trademarks in Japan and at times they uncover a batch of extremely intriguing new names. Check out what has been uncovered this time:

  • Mii Contest Channel
  • Nintendo Magic
  • Wii Body Controller
  • Mii Audition
  • Wii Handle
  • Pikmin
  • Soma Bringer
Now before you all jump to various conclusions about Pikmin, it must be stated that this one is not 'new', it is in fact a trademark renewal for the protection of property. However, that of course could have indeed been done in the light of Pikmin 3 coming to Wii or DS, but we have no idea about the validity of that right now, other than Miyamoto's comments several years ago when Pikmin 2 was being developed that a third game was already in the planning stages.

The Mii Contest Channel seems to be the 'Check Mii Out' channel, but renamed. Nintendo Magic is the spiritual successor to 42 All-Time Classics. Called 'Magic Taisen' in Japan the game failed to set the charts alight like All-Time Classics, but Nintendo is still willing to push the game in the West. The Wii Body Controller could well be the finalised name for the Wii Balance Board, since that original name has always been classed as 'tentative'. Mii Audition could well be linked with the Mii Contest Channel, or perhaps even a new online game.

Wii Handle is an interesting one, because it could well be something to replace 'Friend Codes' or something online-related anyway. As for Soma Bringer, rather than being related to Konami's Soma Cruz, 'Soma' is actually a muscle relaxer that works by blocking pain sensations between the brain and nerves, meaning that like the recent Face Training package, this could be the next non-game smash hit.

But rather than just listening to C3's speculation, what are your thoughts on these? Let us know what you reckon they could be in the forum below.

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Box art for Pikmin 3








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Pikmin FTW

Wii Handle could just be an actual handle for carrying the Wii like the gamecube had? Smilie

Haha, I got all excited when I read the title.
Then I read Cubed3's thoughts.
Now not so much...

Smilie I did think of the GC's handle and really hoped that wasn't the case.

And Nintendo Lad, you think it could be something else? If so, let us know Smilie

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

?_? Wii Body Controller?

i think Pikmin is just that in japan u have to renew Trademarks alot more then in uk and us

but maybe i hope so lol

Auction, popularity sounds good.
Worst sounding:
Wii handle?
Wii body control?

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Japanese trademarks expire after ten years, so that was my thinking about Pikmin as well Jump_button...

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

Mii Contest Channel and Wii Body Controller sound really bland. I can understand Nintendo wanting a more straightforward name than Check Mii Out, but what's wrong with Wii Balance Board? Oh well. I don't really mind it too much, but for all we know these names could have different uses than we're assuming.

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