Nintendo Wii Media | Resident Evil: Umbrella Chronicles Screens (Update 2)

By Jorge Ba-oh 23.08.2007 9

Capcom have released a series of deadly screens from the upcoming Wii-exclusive Resident Evil entry, Umbrella Chronciles, as players step into first-person mode for some zombie shooting, Jill Valentine tooting action.

Update: Even more screens -

Update 2 - Brand new Umbrella Chronicles trailer:

Be sure to look through the game's screens album for more...

Box art for Resident Evil: The Umbrella Chronicles





First Person Shooter



C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  n/a

Reader Score

Rated $score out of 10  9/10 (11 Votes)

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lol "pick up! how the hell would i know" XD

Looks a bit grainy...

I reckon this is gonna be on of those games that'll get a bad review, but is still pretty fun to play. The images don't look too good, but I think that's just the quality.

i think the shots are good, different from other resi's i like the idea

I like you. When I take over the world your death will be quick and painless.

Updated just now with a sweet new video from LGC. Looks pretty good, can't wait to give it a try!

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I really dont know what to make of this, I will wait on reviews before passing judgement and being too critical. Like another suggests it could well be a fun game despite it's obvious short comings.{LS]

( Edited on 23.08.2007 12:36 by Linkyshinks R.I.P (Goodbye) )

In the video there doesnt seem to be any real sense of urgency or atmosphere.
I'm hoping its just because it's clips and I;m not the one playing the game, but does any else get the impression?

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I agree, seems lifeless, those Zombies dont seem to have any intent and just creep at a gentile pace towards you.

It's in stark contrast to RE5 and Left 4 Dead. I am not impressed at all in all honesty. If it is a bad game I really hope it's a terrible one so that Capcom get panned so they buck up their act.{LS]

( Edited on 23.08.2007 12:46 by Linkyshinks R.I.P (Goodbye) )

Bah, the whole rail on gameplay makes me skeptical whether this will be a good game.

Too early to assume about the lifeless zombies, since I assume that's the "easy" part of the game so far since it's starting from Resi 0.

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