Nintendo Wii Media | Sega Brings Ghost Squad to Leipzig

By Jorge Ba-oh 22.08.2007 4

Sega have sent in some screens for their ghostly goings on at this year's Leipzig Games Convention, revealing some classic Arcade action from the comfort of your living room in Ghost Squad.

Be sure to look through the screen's album below for more...

Box art for Ghost Squad








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My god this looks absolutely shite graphically, but could make a decent game. Really don't see why Sega can't go and improve some of the really awful textures.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

This is one of those games where I'm not too focused on the graphics, all about the arcade style game play is what i'm interested in. Huge fan of the actual arcade game.

I agree it's all about the gameplay, but I do agree, it's almost like they were trying to create bad textures on purpose, sheer laziness in that respect.

SEGA are all about churning this stuff out now, and making money which they seem to be doing quite well. I do reckon they will devote larger teams and larger budgets eventually after sucess with Wii. After reading a little quote from a SEGA exec on another site not long ago it seems they are very financially focused right now.{LS]

( Edited on 22.08.2007 13:51 by Linkyshinks R.I.P (Goodbye) )

This one is an arcade port. I don't think they are trying to improve anything graphically. It looks exactly like the arcade game.

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