Nintendo of America, the best way to get Mother 3 officially translated is to buy Earthbound on Virtual Console in large amounts. So basically that confirms a release for the quirky SNES RPG! Question is, will it reach Europe for the first time ever? Stick around for further updates..." /> News: Nintendo News | Want Mother 3? Buy Earthbound on VC! Page 1 - Cubed3

Nintendo News | Want Mother 3? Buy Earthbound on VC!

By Adam Riley 21.08.2007 3

Quick News - According to Nintendo of America, the best way to get Mother 3 officially translated is to buy Earthbound on Virtual Console in large amounts. So basically that confirms a release for the quirky SNES RPG! Question is, will it reach Europe for the first time ever?

Stick around for further updates...

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Very happy about this, thanks for the news Smilie.{LS]

I dont think any regionalization issues of the past will be a problem.

( Edited on 21.08.2007 08:06 by Linkyshinks R.I.P (Goodbye) )

Me too, especially given all the Turbo-grafx games are now in Australia for the first time ever. VC breaks down the regional barriers, definitely.

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

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Yes, Turbografx was almost non existent, at least in Germany. I remember past years when magazines importet 'PC Engine'-games and were utterly pleased with them. And I was sitting here, way too young and moneyless to play them.

And I have to check Earthbound, do not know a lot about it. But that's a way to uppen sales on VC, too. Just say that 'When you eat your spinach, then there will be pudding'. Great! *hehe*

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

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