Nintendo Sales | Wii Play Beats Everything in Canada for July!

By Adam Riley 17.08.2007 11

The latest Canadian sales are now in for the month of July courtesy of the NPD Group and amazingly enough Wii Play has shot up the charts to beat all the competition! Check out the list below:

Top 20 Sales - July 2007

1.) Wii Play (Wii) - Up from No.2
2.) Guitar Hero II with Guitar Controller (PS2) - Up from No.14
3.) Guitar Hero Encore: Rocks the 80s (PS2) - NEW
4.) Pok

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Everyone sure likes their extra controller. Smilie

And guitar shaped ones by the looks of it...

Wii outselling DS?
Didnt see that one coming...

Even allowing for the 2 missing months, does this mean that the Wii has almost caught the 360? Holy crap if yes.

How sad for the PS3Smilie Even the GBA beat it.

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oldschool, check 10.43m for 360, 10.41m for Wii.

Once the Japanese sales for this week are included the Wii should have overtaken the 360 (by their reckoning anyway). pegs it at 11.03m for 360 and 9.96m for Wii

That's mean sales of 10.71m for 360 and 10.19m for Wii. Any interested statisticians may like to note that the 95% confidence intervals are +/- 0.83m for 360 and +/- 0.62m for Wii. In other words, based on the sources we have, the sales are not statistically different.

"This man has advanced communist views ... He dresses in a bohemian fashion both at his office and in his leisure hours."

Very interesting Dr_R. I like that it appears only America really bought the PSP and that has being dying - most bought in the first 6 months of it.

No matter when the Wii takes a world lead - the fanboys will still decry that it isn't a real console, but rather, a toy. Once more I fart in their general direction. That is what they said about the DS.

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I don't think Wii Play would be selling as well if it didn't have the free Wiimote packaged with it. On the other hand, if it were a standalone and only cost $10, it would probably still do well.

NintendoArielle said:
I dont think Wii Play would be selling as well if it didnt have the free Wiimote packaged with it. On the other hand, if it were a standalone and only cost $10, it would probably still do well.

Well, I only bought it for the extra controller. The game was a cheap bonus and a bit of fun.

I hope that they have other game/controller packs because eventually I will want 4 controllers.

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Image for

Nintendo and Guitar Hero own Canada.

Mike Gee of iZINE said, "...The Verve, as he [Richard Ashcroft] promised, had become the greatest band in the world. Most of the critics agreed with him. Most paid due homage. The Verve were no longer the question mark or the clich�. They were the statement and the definition."

Co Chief Resident John Dorian said:
Image for
Nintendo and Guitar Hero own Canada.


Where do you get these Gifs.{LS]

Go Cananda! The only country in which the DS is outselling the Wii!! Woot!

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