Nintendo Wii Media | Tomb Raider Anniversary - First Video

By Adam Riley 16.08.2007 11

The Wii version of Tomb Raider Anniversary is due out in a couple of months and now Eidos has lifted the lid on the game, showing off the first video of the game in motion and how it makes great use of the Wii controls. Check it out below:

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Box art for Tomb Raider: Anniversary





Action Adventure



C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  n/a

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Rated $score out of 10  8/10 (2 Votes)

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*roll my eyes* iam going stop posting thing they all way get put up on news lol

any way 1st Tomb Raider game i ever think about buying

good to see they add thing and not just port it

( Edited on 16.08.2007 08:56 by Jump_button )

Jump_button said:
*roll my eyes* iam going stop posting thing they all way get put up on news lol


HOW! did I know this was going to happen even before I wrote in the last thread, I should have just waited and posted here.

This version does look like the best version without doubt, certainly no sickly looking port.

Puzzles and the manipulation of them could be as good as, and similar to those found in Zack and Wiki I imagine, a very good thing imo. The gesture controls in that are said to be excellent and I see no reason why this cannot be exactly the same. The Wii is all about gesture controls when the console is being utilized to make use of it's advantages over other consoles.

The theme of this game has always been my thing, but it has never been executed well in terms of controls, if they have adressed that issue with this game like they seem to have done this could well be the definitive version like they say. In the same way RE4 Wii was solely due to well worked controls.

IR shooting also will improve this game no end, shooting was one of the aspects I hated in the previous games.{LS]

( Edited on 16.08.2007 12:24 by Linkyshinks )

That actually does look surprisingly good. Finally it seems that some thought is being put into the creation of third person action games on Wii.

"This man has advanced communist views ... He dresses in a bohemian fashion both at his office and in his leisure hours."

Looks like a load of silly gimmicky controls. Not interested.


Loved Legend. Might consider this.:cooldude:

Looks good. I hope they don't over-Wii-ify it though for the sake of trying to make it stand out.

All we care about is the core gameplay and boobs anyway Smilie

Crazylurch said:
Looks like a load of silly gimmicky controls. Not interested.

For third-person games in general (not saying specifically this) I quite like the idea of being put into a first-person puzzle. Kind of like the puzzle sections in Hotel Dusk and Another Code. Those look really interesting to me and hold much more potential than mere gimmicks (although you could well be right on other counts). I love the idea of making literal carbon copies ala Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade. A great idea.

Could we finally see a proper integration of action and adventure games?

"This man has advanced communist views ... He dresses in a bohemian fashion both at his office and in his leisure hours."

Just like RE4 TRA is a wii game that not only is ported over but it makes the game better.Smilie I hope more developers learn from this. It takes time to put out a Wii port.

J Tangle said:
Just like RE4 TRA is a wii game that not only is ported over but it makes the game better.Smilie I hope more developers learn from this. It takes time to put out a Wii port.

True*, and once the learn how what to put in place on the development side their future games will only improve. Next year Q3 we will start to see ground up Wii games we had no idea about, and a few will be very good.{LS]

Glad to see a game that will utilize the Wii's controls so amazingly well. I might get this, or at least rent it. Smilie

hmmmm... Tomb Radider 2 was my favorite of the series. Never actually got to play the 1st one... Come to think of it, iv'e only played 2 and 3.

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