Nintendo Wii News | Super Metroid Coming to Virtual Console?

By Adam Riley 08.08.2007 8

Quick News - The folk over at have spotted that an image for Super Metroid has appeared on the US Nintendo Virtual Console server, implying that the game is nearing release on the download service, perhaps to tie in with the launch of Metroid Prime Corruption.

But when will Europe see it? Share your thoughts inside...

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I saw that one coming Smilie Never played the older Metroid games, only Metroid Prime 1 onwards (including the GBA and DS games), so I might consider this if it's as good as the more recent 2D ones I've played

( Edited on 08.08.2007 11:01 by MeleeKirby )

A must buy for me then. Out of all 2D Metroid games, I've only ever played Fusion, and loved the hell outa it.Smilie

( Edited on 08.08.2007 11:13 by Darkspine S )

wooo. This is the only metroid game I havn't played (apart from metroid 2 on gb) been waiting ages for this

Metroid 1 on NES for VC ist very good! I seldom play these really old games, because they do not motivate me for a long time, but Metroid 1 is well worth it! So I think this one is too!

I think they bundle it with Corruption here in Europe, too, so you can download it for free with codes hidden in Corruption's box... That's at least something Nintendo talked about as a possibility. So this totally looks like it!

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

MeleeKirby said:
I saw that one coming Smilie Never played the older Metroid games, only Metroid Prime 1 onwards (including the GBA and DS games), so I might consider this if its as good as the more recent 2D ones Ive played( Edited on 08.08.2007 11:01 by MeleeKirby )

It's better. Not sure whether I'll get it on VC or not, I've been looking for a while for a relatively cheap fully boxed original for a while. Depends which comes first, a good deal on ebay or the money for a Wii.

Laurelin said:
Metroid 1 on NES for VC ist very good! I seldom play these really old games, because they do not motivate me for a long time, but Metroid 1 is well worth it! So I think this one is too!I think they bundle it with Corruption here in Europe, too, so you can download it for free with codes hidden in Corruptions box... Thats at least something Nintendo talked about as a possibility. So this totally looks like it!

I hope so, it would be nice to get it free seeing as though we have to wait longer for MPrime3. {LS]

Depends which comes first, a good deal on ebay or the money for a Wii.

Buy a Wii then. You get this fancy digital watch below the channel list for free!

( Edited on 08.08.2007 12:16 by Laurelin )

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

Definite download by me.

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