Nintendo Screens | Ghost Squad Screens with Wii Zapper

By Jorge Ba-oh 06.08.2007 7

Sega have revealed a handful of new screens from the upcoming Ghost Squad arcade port for Wii, with the Wii-remote/nunchuck zapper in place for some deadly wireless weaponry.

Be sure to look through the game's album below for more...

Box art for Ghost Squad








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Although yet to be mentioned here on C3, word has it that Ghost Squad will be sold in two forms, at least in Japan; one with and one without the Wii Zapper. Anyway this looks really nice, I'll probably be getting it along with Umbrella Chronicles Smilie

I may get this as well as UC also.

These games need to be scripted very well, hopefully this is. UC need Zombies rugby tackling you like RE5 does, it needs to look more frantic!. Currently while it now looks much improved from what we saw earlier it's still lacking that punch I think, it does looks a little dull. I do have faith in Capcom to come up with the goods though in the final product.{LS]

( Edited on 06.08.2007 19:28 by Linkyshinks )

Looks shite. Doesn't even have volumetric smoke and clouds.

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

Is this for the Virtual Console? lol

Great fan of the arcade version. Me likes.

That thing looks like a lot of fun to use. Smilie I could dress up in my bikini and cat ears and hold the Wii Zapper, and then take a pic of it to use for my profile. Smilie

This'd be a good rent. The thing with light-gun games is, because of their arcade heritage, they're painfully short, and and you're bored of them in no time at all.

NintendoArielle said:
That thing looks like a lot of fun to use. Smilie I could dress up in my bikini and cat ears and hold the Wii Zapper, and then take a pic of it to use for my profile. Smilie

We'd like to see that, wouldn't we boys? Naked as possible, please Smilie

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