latest issue of UK mag NGamer states the latest whisperings from original developer Rare is it will come to DS instead, as Diddy Kong Racing already has done. Share your thoughts on the likelihood of this inside..." /> News: Nintendo Speculation | Rare Bringing Donkey Kong 64 to DS? Page 1 - Cubed3

Nintendo Speculation | Rare Bringing Donkey Kong 64 to DS?

By Adam Riley 01.08.2007 25

Quick News - When asked about the possibility of Donkey Kong 64 appearing on Virtual Console, the latest issue of UK mag NGamer states the latest whisperings from original developer Rare is it will come to DS instead, as Diddy Kong Racing already has done.

Share your thoughts on the likelihood of this inside...

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I'd prefer to see this on the VC. But still, yes please!

A long-winded game. Enjoyable bits, but exhaustingly comprehensive to the point where I began losing interest. The Rambi sub-game was top though. Gophers should be squished.

Less posty, more gamey.

Also an expansion pack game. Would need a severe downgrade.

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

I read this story yesterday, it's stupid if true. I see no appeal what so ever in condensing the title for play on the DS. This may well be about money and if so it's scandalous asking

I didn't like DK64, so I honestly don't care where it goes.

Well I never had the chance to play it myself so I am a little interested, but I have heard a few who have said that it's not all that so maybe I will pass on it. I just dont like the fact it is a big Nintendo game that I have not played before!. {LS]

( Edited on 01.08.2007 23:13 by Linkyshinks )

The thing that dragged it down was that Rare went down the collect-a-thon route even more so than ever before. It reach the point of being ridiculous...Collecting everything in Jet Force Gemini was tiresome, but DK 64 really took the biscuit.

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

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That's in keeping with the sort of comments I have heard before about the game. Still would like to play it all the same you know. {LS]

Collecting alot of things was a big part of these types of games though.

The same goes for classic games such as Mario 64 , Banjo Kazooie, Tooie, etc.

That's why they are popular, as they are top games and with goals of extended gameplay. I loved DK64. But i'd love it on the VC along with alot of other N64 games more than the DS

man this game is one of my favorites!! its the best seriously!! alongside OoT obviously. man i want this on both if possible, but! the thing is i got it on my N64. but i guess on the Wii the graphics will be enhanced yeah? @Linkyshinks: man u gotta try this game! its awesome, not only the graphics but the soundtrack and each character has awesome moves and powerups! try it! its worthwhile!

man imagine if nintendo made a connection thing between the DS and Wii so u can download ur games for ur DS from ur Wii's VC! THAT would be awesome, specially if they made a catridge for the GBA slot or s memory card for the DS slot so we can store them and stuff. we can copy to our DS's but transfer them back to the Wii, so that would prevent piracy and stuff. its not a bad idea if u come to think of it...

oh Rare just come back to us dont be silly lol

I loved DK64.
Was nice and hard, with superb minigames and, (very important) quick replayable boss's.

It did have a big too much collecting, but then, still half that of Wind Waker :p

I think the DS could pull it off fairly well, incidently.
The DS has got more cpu power, on adverage, then the 64.
Its the RAM that might be an issue.

Hopefully they will follow this up with Banjo+Tooie combined.
(in time for BK3's release on the box) <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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I would absolutely love this. Thoroughly enjoyed DK64 on the N64. Though the collecting could be tedious at times, overall I thought it was a great game especially the mini games such as the original Doneky Kong, classic.

NintendoArielle said:
I didnt like DK64, so I honestly dont care where it goes.

Linkyshinks said:
Well I never had the chance to play it myself so I am a little interested, but I have heard a few who have said that its not all that so maybe I will pass on it. I just dont like the fact it is a big Nintendo game that I have not played before!. {LS]

Nah she's right, mate. I've got the original cartridge on my N64, and it's nothing special. Some good bits, but overall an exercise in 'meh'. If you want a great N64 platformer which you probably haven't played, than track down Banjo-Tooie. It's brilliant.

Sidethought: Anyone think the Banjo games will turn up on VC? I think they're just as likely to be made available on XBL, and maybe even as bonus extras in Banjo-Threeie.

Nah. I don't think any Rare games with non-Nintendo owned characters will be appearing on the VC. No Goldeneye. No Conker's Bad Fur Day. Shame.

Maybe if they made some type of deal with Microsoft so that they got a share of the profits it might be possible. If that ever happened the games would probably end up costing more points than other N64 titles, perhaps 250, 500 points more, I dunno.

You never know though, they might end up on Live instead. Or the DS...

I've never played DK64 before.

( Edited on 02.08.2007 13:44 by CuRoi )

I don't think it should come to DS... especially as it would require a downgrade... Diddy Kong Racing felt very downgraded, I can't imagine this...

I wish they would just put it on VC, or, both if they really want it on DS...

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Imagine if Rare put some of their genius into an original DS title that really played to the system's strengths...

That could be a bit special.

On the issue of Banjo, a week ago I'd have said definitely not. But Microsoft is letting VP go to a Nintendo platform, so Banjo isn't impossible. Just highly unlikely. It's irrelevant really - anyone who doesn't own the N64 cart should be shot in the crotch.

Less posty, more gamey.

What do you reckon on the possibility on the Banjos coming out for XBL, or as an extra feature of Banjo-Threeie, like I said? In a way, it's more likely. There's nothing illegal about emulating N64 on 360. Nintendo can't do a damn thing about that. They did publish the games though, and I'm not sure of the legalities around that.

Well, I think publishing has a big thing, I don't know much about it, but I heard that'd why FFVII - X won't come out on another system, because Sony published them.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Erm, FFVII and VIII came out on PC. Firstly published by Microsoft, and then re-released lately by some budget brand. Sony didn't seem to mind that. Or if they did, then they didn't have any say int he matter.

The issue is the very fact that MS would have to emulate hardware that belongs to another company. Whoever owns the rights/licence to the series can do whatever they like with it, as evidenced by Rare putting Banjo on 360, along with other franchises Perfect Dark and Kameo (originally intended for Gamecube) in the first place. The problem is the hardware that they came out on, it's only titles like Goldeneye that have a big licencing problem because of the multiple companies involved with obtaining rights and so on, along with likenesses etc.

( Edited on 02.08.2007 18:24 by Modplan Man )

Oni-Ninja said:
Erm, FFVII and VIII came out on PC. Firstly published by Microsoft, and then re-released lately by some budget brand. Sony didnt seem to mind that. Or if they did, then they didnt have any say int he matter.

As in Eidos.

I love DK64 but if it's anything like the awful Mario 64 DS port then I won't touch it.

Oni-Ninja said:
What do you reckon on the possibility on the Banjos coming out for XBL, or as an extra feature of Banjo-Threeie, like I said? In a way, its more likely. Theres nothing illegal about emulating N64 on 360. Nintendo cant do a damn thing about that. They did publish the games though, and Im not sure of the legalities around that.

Nintendo published the games, but I think Microsoft bought the rights to them when they bought the entire franchise along with Rare, so I don't think it matters. It does have Nintendo's logo at the beginning but that can be removed.

( Edited on 02.08.2007 19:51 by beamrider2600 )

Oni-Ninja said:
What do you reckon on the possibility on the Banjos coming out for XBL, or as an extra feature of Banjo-Threeie, like I said?

I would say it's as likely as B-K and B-T coming to the Virtual Console. Microsoft are keen to get pally with Nintendo (to piss off Sony more than to nurture a beneficial relationship, I'm sure) and I can't see why Nintendo would object, other than just because they can.

I hope they don't come out on Live or VC though. They deserve to be played as nature intended.

Less posty, more gamey.

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