Nintendo Media | Final Fantasy Tactics A2 Dated, New Screenshots

By Jorge Ba-oh 01.08.2007 16

Square-Enix have updated the Official Website for the upcoming Final Fantasy Tactics DS, to confirm the release date for the anticipated sequel along with a few tasty new screens to enjoy.

Be sure to look through the screens album below for more shots. Final Fantasy Tactics A2 hits retail on 25-10-2007 for DS.

Box art for Final Fantasy Tactics A2

Square Enix


Square Enix





C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  8/10

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Rated $score out of 10  10/10 (14 Votes)

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Not huge amount of diffrence graphically but there are some nice new effects there, music is sounding great though! Smilie Can't wait, hopfully there is a US release soon.

( Edited on 01.08.2007 16:35 by Blade2t3 )

I think this looks brilliant. Exactly the type of thing that works well on a handheld. Like Blade said there are some really good effects in there. I would look forward to playing this.

How rediculous is Luso's sword? Brilliant. Smilie


For those who have forgotten what the GBA game looked like, here's an image:

Image for
Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

hmm, that actually does look better!

Yeah it's a nice step up, .. SE have soo got a hold on me, ARRGGH get off!. {LS]

Linkyshinks said:
Yeah its a nice step up, .. SE have soo got a hold on me, ARRGGH get off!. {LS]

I've fallen in love with Its a Wonderful World ....yep i was anticipating it loads so splashed out on it using my Wii money (because i thought i could hold off on getting a Wii till smash brothers (i would say metroid...but as i'll be importing from japan i'll have to wait till like next summer for thatSmilie )...i've been playing it solid (Well i only got it today but still i played it for most of today)

Avoid Games Like the Plague, productivity++

ZeroSimon said:
Linkyshinks said:Yeah its a nice step up, .. SE have soo got a hold on me, ARRGGH get off!. {LS]
Ive fallen in love with Its a Wonderful World ....yep i was anticipating it loads so splashed out on it using my Wii money (because i thought i could hold off on getting a Wii till smash brothers (i would say metroid...but as ill be importing from japan ill have to wait till like next summer for thatSmilie )...ive been playing it solid (Well i only got it today but still i played it for most of today)

Aye, it's a charming game, really heart warming stuff :cooldude:, Wait a minute what the hell are doing playing these games for god sakes you have ZELDA!, what's going on, do you have like a phobia or something over the game?

Where are you now?, that game deserves to be played swiftly. {LS]

( Edited on 01.08.2007 23:23 by Linkyshinks )

Lol I don't know - i'm trying to make zelda last for as long as possible (Wind Waker took me a year)Smilie...but one day i'm going to go mad and play it straight for 10 hours...Smilie

Actualy i think i'll play a bit of zelda now Smilie

EDIT: Just killed a mini boss -

( Edited on 01.08.2007 23:36 by ZeroSimon )

Avoid Games Like the Plague, productivity++

Wicked spoiler, and your ridiculous Smilie, that's no way to play any Zelda game. When you go through it all in a few sittings it feels so much more special. {LS]

Yeah but then there'll be no zelda to play for 2 years...i'll probably finish phantom hourglass relatively soon though...then back to baten kaitos origins - i've had it since its march japan launch last year and still haven't completed it...i'm 50 hours in and half way through disk 2 though Smilie

Avoid Games Like the Plague, productivity++

ZeroSimon said:
Yeah but then therell be no zelda to play for 2 years...ill probably finish phantom hourglass relatively soon though...then back to baten kaitos origins - ive had it since its march japan launch last year and still havent completed 50 hours in and half way through disk 2 though Smilie

"2 years" your logic is funny. Good luck with BKO.

Crap on the VC again *sighs*, well the original Metroid is there so.. {LS]

Lookin' niiiiiiice. I hate traditional JRPGs, but I love strategy RPGs. This should be lovely. Smilie

Linkyshinks said:
ZeroSimon said:Yeah but then therell be no zelda to play for 2 years...ill probably finish phantom hourglass relatively soon though...then back to baten kaitos origins - ive had it since its march japan launch last year and still havent completed 50 hours in and half way through disk 2 though Smilie
2 years your logic is funny. Good luck with BKO.Crap on the VC again *sighs*, well the original Metroid is there so.. {LS]

Shining Force is a good RPG from Camelot on the VC. Smilie

Oh, go play the original Metroid on your Zero Mission cart (if you have it). No need to waste $5 or whatever 500 pts cost you. =P

Hey wait, does anyone know what the bottom screen is going to be used for? Smilie

PsionicMW said:
Linkyshinks said:
ZeroSimon said:Yeah but then therell be no zelda to play for 2 years...ill probably finish phantom hourglass relatively soon though...then back to baten kaitos origins - ive had it since its march japan launch last year and still havent completed 50 hours in and half way through disk 2 though Smilie
2 years your logic is funny. Good luck with BKO.Crap on the VC again *sighs*, well the original Metroid is there so.. {LS]
Shining Force is a good RPG from Camelot on the VC. SmilieOh, go play the original Metroid on your Zero Mission cart (if you have it). No need to waste $5 or whatever 500 pts cost you. =P

Yes it is ive been told, as is Beyond Oasis also but getting a RPG while currently playing Paper Mario is not needed. We get Trauma Center SOpinion on the 10th here next week, and then we have a month wait till the 14th of September for Super Paper Mario. Just wanted a quick and snappy fun title, I was hoping for the original Ninja Gaiden NES but no such luck, you guys have had it a while now Smilie. Never played those GBA Metroid games, should have bought them the other day, some guy came into a exchange store with them in mint condition!. I should have opened my mouth and asked him if he wanted to sell to me instead for more money I had in my pocket. Hate it when I miss such opportunities, I am trying to collect classic GBA titles before they fade from existence, those games would have been great. {LS]

Loving it. The sprites are much more sharper and colourful. Can't wait till this comes out.

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