ZeroSimon said:
Linkyshinks said:Yeah its a nice step up, .. SE have soo got a hold on me, ARRGGH get off!. {LS]
Ive fallen in love with Its a Wonderful World ....yep i was anticipating it loads so splashed out on it using my Wii money (because i thought i could hold off on getting a Wii till smash brothers (i would say metroid...but as ill be importing from japan ill have to wait till like next summer for that
)...ive been playing it solid (Well i only got it today but still i played it for most of today)
Aye, it's a charming game, really heart warming stuff :cooldude:, Wait a minute what the hell are doing playing these games for god sakes you have ZELDA!, what's going on, do you have like a phobia or something over the game?
Where are you now?, that game deserves to be played swiftly. {LS]
( Edited on 01.08.2007 23:23 by Linkyshinks )