Nintendo Wii/DS News | Paper Mario Hits 1.25 Million, Plus Other Million Sellers

By Adam Riley 30.07.2007 12

Update - IGN has a full list of the updated sales data for games on the Wii and Nintendo DS, all siphoned off from the recent financial report released by the company. Check out the worldwide million sellers below:


  • Wii Sports (including bundled copies) - 8,320,000
  • Wii Play - 4,490,000
  • The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess - 3,610,000
  • WarioWare: Smooth Moves - 1,820,000
  • Super Paper Mario - 1,250,000
  • Mario Party 8 - 1,030,000
What is worth noting from this list is that Super Paper Mario has done fantastically well in the US, considering sales from Japan equate to nearly 500,000. Also, Mario Party 8 had not been released in Japan at the time these figures were released and it had only been out across Europe (not the UK) for a couple of weeks, showing just how phenomenally well this new edition has sold. Pok

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Never thought it would sell that well in the US. Good thing the game was moved on the Wii.

From what i hear it deserves them sales.

Mike Gee of iZINE said, "...The Verve, as he [Richard Ashcroft] promised, had become the greatest band in the world. Most of the critics agreed with him. Most paid due homage. The Verve were no longer the question mark or the clich�. They were the statement and the definition."

Top 5 definitely when it hits the UK...can't come soon enough! I wonder what Nintendo's sales target was for it? It's done fantastically well considering it was originally a GC game.

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

wasnt that great of a game...but congrats any way

September the 14th cannot come soon enough. {LS]

Just thought I'd add the other 1st Party Wii/DS games that have now hit a million worldwide, along with a bit of commentary Smilie

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

Mario Party 8 doesn't deserve to hit the million mark.. >_>

That's great news for Paper Mario, though! I'll be picking it up later this year. Smilie

You know what is really quite a tragedy? Advance Wars DS is not on that million seller list.

Nice to see Mario & Lugi: PiT there though.

Jacob4000 said:
You know what is really quite a tragedy? Advance Wars DS is not on that million seller list.Nice to see Mario & Lugi: PiT there though.

Yeah, it's a shame. I always like the AW iterations on the GBA and they seemed to do well, so I figured it would do well on the DS, too. Hopefuly BWii performs better than AWDS; it has a lot of promise, but I doubt people will rush out to buy it, seeing as how BW was a sleeper hit.. Smilie

Is it me or I don't see either Metroid or AW on that list. :O

mOojc said:
Is it me or I dont see either Metroid or AW on that list. :O

Yeah, that's bad. You know something's up when Super Princess Peach (aka PMS w/Peach) beats out a Metroid game, albeit a spinoff of sorts..


I can't wait till it comes out in the UKSmilie

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