'Tales of' Japanese Announcement" /> News: Nintendo RPG News | Tales of Symphonia Wii & Innocence DS Announced! Page 1 - Cubed3

Nintendo RPG News | Tales of Symphonia Wii & Innocence DS Announced!

By Adam Riley 20.07.2007 27

Quick News - Bandai Namco has revealed four new 'Tales of' RPGs, two of which are for Nintendo systems. Tales of Innocence is coming to DS and will be an all-new game with character designs from Mutsumi Inomata, whilst Tales of Symphonia: Knight of Ratatosk is coming to Wii. Check out the small scan below:

  • 'Tales of' Japanese Announcement
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    I'm hoping the Tales of Symphonia game is a sequel and not just a remake/port of the GameCube game. Either way, fantastic news! Tales of Symphonia's the best GameCube RPG hands-down.

    Awesome! ToS ftw!

    Knights of Ratatosk sounds like a new subtitle. I played ToS (it was great!) and I think it had no subtitle.
    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tales_of_symphonia states, that it may be the same version, but Japanese GC version had another theme song and voice acting. Shame. I would like to see it greatly enhanced, since replay value isn't that great for me, since I never finished it and I find it kind of reluctant. But lust for it growas back, so I may finnish it some time.

    ( Edited on 20.07.2007 09:40 by Laurelin )

    I find your lack of faith disturbing!

    ^^ yeah a RPG for my wii :3

    ^^ That rhymes...

    So when Matt IGN said ToS2 was coming he certainly wasn't lying!

    I wonder if the talk of a Tales of Phantasia DS sequel will eventually turn out to be true (we'll find out when more details emerage about Tales of Innocence DS, no doubt).

    ZeroSimon, can you read any of the Japanese text on this small scan?

    Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

    UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

    Jesus, are you sure this is ToS2? I hope so, as it does make no sense to 'port' ToS from Cube to Wii...?!

    I find your lack of faith disturbing!

    It must be a sequel of sorts!. Excellent news for Wii!. {LS]

    Rise of the Robots 3 for Wii. Excellent news for Nintendo!

    It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

    Grumbler said:
    Rise of the Robots 3 for Wii. Excellent news for Nintendo!

    haha, perhaps the robots will learn to jump in a new version.

    Read my blog here
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    Maybe the story ToS2 will be copied directly from Final Fantasy X-2, to be consistent.

    ( Edited on 20.07.2007 10:48 by Grumbler )

    It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

    We really need someone with Japanese ability to try and translate more from the tiny scan...

    Also, for those interested, the other two games are a 'Tales of Rebirth' port to PSP and a 'Tales of Destiny Director's Cut' for an unknown platform, assumed to be PS2.

    Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

    UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses


    Tales Of Symphonia sequel!! ARGH!!! I'll ignore the DS one since the last one was atrocious apparently.

    You can make out nothing in that tiny scan.

    Though you can just make out Tales of Symphonia: Knight of Ratatosk takes place as a sequel set diirectly after ToS.

    Avoid Games Like the Plague, productivity++

    Directly afterwards? So... There should be some of the same characters about? Awesome. Can't wait for it *.*

    Also, when are we actually getting Tales of the Tempest... I've heard nothing about it since it came out in Japan...

    Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

    the 1st pic of the game

    ( Edited on 21.07.2007 20:55 by jesusraz )


    Meh, I didn't like Tales of Symphonia much. I usually like action-adventure RPGs, but I just didn't find ToS for the GC particularly engaging. I loved Genis, though. He's so wuvable! Smilie


    I've died and gone to RPG heaven!

    hmm 1st DS pic

    Smilie look like the same guy with white hair on the wii game

    see Smilie

    ( Edited on 21.07.2007 20:58 by jesusraz )

    Isn't that guy in every JRPG?

    It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

    Smilie looking at it any one but me think it look like a older Genis?!?!

    Sorry, they look like 1st wave PS2 graphics. Atrocious. Even if it could just be the low quality of the picture, it's still really poor, I say.

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