Nintendo Wii/DS News | Aonuma & Miyamoto Talk Wii Fit, Zelda & Mario Galaxy

By Adam Riley 19.07.2007 20

At last week's E3 event, the Director/Producer of the Zelda series, Eiji Aonuma, and the infamous Shigeru Miyamoto took part in a special roundtable discussion that covered the likes of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass, Super Mario Galaxy and Wii Fit. Here is a quick overview of the main points:

  • Aonuma said he has ideas for the next Wii Zelda, but he joked that Miyamoto initially responded, "No, you idiot" since it is too early to discuss that;
  • Aonuma was asked about the possibility of a direct sequel to Twilight Princess, with 1:1 sword fighting using the Wii Remote, to which he replied "Would you like that? We're still evaluating...";
  • Talking about the simplified controls for Phantom Hourglass on DS, Aonuma stated having streamlined gameplay has been effective, but Nintendo is still waiting to get feedback from Europe and the U.S. once Phantom Hourglass is released before deciding whether to make it the norm for future games;
  • Aonuma was the Producer of Phantom Hourglass, rather than taking on the usual Director's role. But he worked closely with the new Director, something he may consider doing in the future again so he can create "something original" as well;

  • He also mentioned how he has thought about how Link would react in a contemporary or World War II setting, but has not given much thought to how he would create a Zelda game in such a different world;
  • Talking about Super Mario Galaxy, Shigeru Miyamoto said that the great thing about spherical objects is that you can make them bigger and bigger, which means that eventually running around on something so big is basically like being on a flat surface. It was confirmed that there will be very large areas included;
  • When asked if Luigi is somewhere in the game, all he would say is that it is currently a secret
  • Miyamoto added that up until just a few months ago, the difficulty in Galaxy was "significantly easier," but that he started making it more difficult recently to the point where he began worrying the Nintendo bigwigs in Tokyo;
  • It was re-iterated that the development team is the definitely the Donkey Kong: Jungle Beat from the Tokyo office, with them working on this project since the completion of Jungle Beat! The size of the team has now gone from thirty to fifty people;
  • When asked if successful casual games has distanced Miyamoto from hardcore projects, he said "You don't have to worry about that!" He added he can work on complex, larger projects at the same time as simpler ones that take only six months to complete;
  • Many Third Parties are interested in Wii Fit and the Wii Balance Board, yet health facilities and medical centres are also very intrigued about the possibilities;
  • Wii Fit will come to Japan first and Nintendo is working hard to see whether the Board needs adjusting for the US audience, joking that a "supersize" board would be required for Reggie Fils-Aime;
  • Miyamoto's idea for Wii Fit arose as his family has become more health conscious recently and that comparing fitness results could be fun, so he wanted to design activities around that;
  • Nintendo may announce more than just the Wii Zapper and Wii Wheel as the company wants to make the most out of the Wii Remote's potential and the best way to do this is to offer new peripherals at fairly cheap prices.
Stick around for further updates...

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# He also mentioned how he has thought about how Link would react in a contemporary or World War II setting, but has not given much thought to how he would create a Zelda game in such a different world;

Yes please, I had always envisioned how zelda would work in a different time frame. This would be a very controversial move, but I think it can have some very positive results if done properly.

# Miyamoto's idea for Wii Fit arose as his family has become more health conscious recently and that comparing fitness results could be fun, so he wanted to design activities around that;

As if, the Nintendo marketing team probably told him to make a Fitness game.

"Aonuma was asked about the possibility of a direct sequel to Twilight Princess, with 1:1 sword fighting using the Wii Remote, to which he replied "Would you like that? We're still evaluating...";"


And a massive NO to any even vaguely realistic setting for Zelda.
It wouldnt suit the game.

More technology in hyrule is fine though.
Steampunk would work,imo.

But keep tanks and machine guns out of Zelda thank you very much!

( Edited on 19.07.2007 11:33 by Darkflame ) <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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And a massive NO to any even vaguely realistic setting for Zelda.
It wouldnt suit the game.

I've really been aching for a fantasy game to take place in WWII type setting.

1:1 sword fighting would be great but hard to achieve in a Zelda game without some restriction of movement range.

The PHG controls are a little tricky to get used to but once you have thay are a doddle as ive found. The roll is a little tricky to master by all accounts. [played games first level]

As ive said numerous times before, the fact some of the planetoids in SMG will be HUGE so that they will appear flat it is something I find VERY exciting.

The Wii fit board could be very useful in a physiotherapy setting with specif software developed by the medical software industry.

Please DO NOT! even contemplate it, Zelda in a contempoary setting!, it's a cheap and tacky and would lessen the series by it's introduction. {LS]

( Edited on 19.07.2007 11:52 by Linkyshinks )

Please DO NOT! even contemplate it, Zelda in a contempoary setting!, it's a cheap and tacky and would lessen the series by it's introduction. {LS]

No it wouldn't, you are just being a purist. You always complain when a developer distinguishes a sequel from its predecessor. And WWII is hardly contemporary. I am sick of the developers being blasted for trying to do something new. Zelda has always been about time, and how Hyrule changes with it. What better why than to put it into another time frame?

He also mentioned how he has thought about how Link would react in a contemporary or World War II setting, but has not given much thought to how he would create a Zelda game in such a different world;

I remember there being a discussion on here not long after Twilight Princess came out about putting Link in a more futuristic setting. It's a good idea I think, rather than just improving the graphics to make look darker and make it seem like you're playing a different game.

Miyamoto added that up until just a few months ago, the difficulty in Galaxy was "significantly easier," but that he started making it more difficult recently to the point where he began worrying the Nintendo bigwigs in Tokyo

Oh, god yes.

When asked if successful casual games has distanced Miyamoto from hardcore projects, he said "You don't have to worry about that!" He added he can work on complex, larger projects at the same time as simpler ones that take only six months to complete

You can't just keep saying that! We are worrying about it, just show us something, anything so we can stop worrying.

Nintendo may announce more than just the Wii Zapper and Wii Wheel as the company wants to make the most out of the Wii Remote's potential and the best way to do this is to offer new peripherals at fairly cheap prices.

No it isn't. The best way is to make good games that make use of the Wii remotes potential.

Z said:
Please DO NOT! even contemplate it, Zelda in a contempoary setting!, its a cheap and tacky and would lessen the series by its introduction. {LS]
No it wouldnt, you are just being a purist. You always complain when a developer distinguishes a sequel from its predecessor. And WWII is hardly contemporary. I am sick of the developers being blasted for trying to do something new. Zelda has always been about time, and how Hyrule changes with it. What better why than to put it into another time frame?

Yep, it might seem silly at first but I think it would work. It's common knoweledge that very few of the Zelda games have the same Link as the hero, they are descendants and ancestors of one another. So why can't one of the descendants live in modern times?

Imagine Ganon being behind WWII and ordering the invasion of Poland because the Triforce rests there. Of course it doesn't have to be WWII, but a change of scenery would be nice.

( Edited on 19.07.2007 12:12 by Kangaroo_Kid )

Z said:
Please DO NOT! even contemplate it, Zelda in a contempoary setting!, its a cheap and tacky and would lessen the series by its introduction. {LS]
No it wouldnt, you are just being a purist. You always complain when a developer distinguishes a sequel from its predecessor. And WWII is hardly contemporary. I am sick of the developers being blasted for trying to do something new. Zelda has always been about time, and how Hyrule changes with it. What better why than to put it into another time frame?

"You always complain when a developer distinguishes a sequel from its predecessor."

Lol, no I dont!, where did you get that from. PHG IS a departure from previous games and is excellent because of it. I just dont see the need to bring it into a contemporary setting which is restricted to some degree, imagination and fantasy is not so. It all depends on the contemporary setting in question WW2 is such a non non, even war game makers have now ditched the WW2 FPS game it would seem.{LS]

( Edited on 19.07.2007 12:16 by Linkyshinks )

Lol, no I dont!, where did you get that from.

I mean with Metroid Prime, but what I said was uncalled for. Sorry...

I just dont see the need to bring it into a contemporary setting which is restricted to some degree, imagination and fantasy is not so. It all depends on the contemporary setting in question WW2 is such a non non, even war game makers have no ditched the WW2 FPS game

It will still be a fantasy game, just set in a WWII type world. I mean Harry Potter has a very contemporary setting, yet its very imaginative and is imbued with a lot of fantastical elements. Look at the novel "Northen Lights" (or Golden Compass in America), it takes place in a post-industrial world, yet it has many fantasy elements.

I don't think Zelda would work well in a different setting... it just wouldn't feel right... can't Nintendo just make some new IP? Smilie it's not like they're overflowing with them... Smilie

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Linkyshinks said:
PHG IS a departure from previous games and is excellent because of it

Not really, it's just a direct sequel of Wind Waker. The only real difference now is that all the dungeons are in a bigger dungeon.

Linkyshinks said:
I just dont see the need to bring it into a contemporary setting which is restricted to some degree, imagination and fantasy is not so.

You just look at games like Eternal Darkness that took fantasy elements and applied them to modern settings. I'm pretty sure the upcoming Folklore takes place in the early 20th century too, though I may be wrong.

Linkyshinks said:
It all depends on the contemporary setting in question WW2 is such a non non, even war game makers have now ditched the WW2 FPS game it would seem.

Fall of Liberty is looking good, isn't it? Smilie

"Not really, it's just a direct sequel of Wind Waker. The only real difference now is that all the dungeons are in a bigger dungeon."-K kid

It has approached the game totally differently actually, I was refering to it's new direction both in controls and gameplay mechanics. They have got to have a microphone ready for the next Wii game on the evidence of the DS game which uses it brilliantly.

Fair second point, but would not like to see it myself unless it was very well though out.

And Call of Duty looks far, far better Smilie{LS]

( Edited on 19.07.2007 13:22 by Linkyshinks )

Imagine Ganon being behind WWII and ordering the invasion of Poland because the Triforce rests there. Of course it doesn't have to be WWII, but a change of scenery would be nice.

( Edited on 19.07.2007 12:12 by Kangaroo_Kid )

I don't think he meant ACTUALLY WWII. I mean a fantasy world with a WWII post-industrial setting. Just like how Zelda resembles the Medieval Europe in the real world, but is set in a fantasy totally fictional world. What I meant as in Zelda with a WWII setting means Hyrule in an era which resembles WII in the real world. Does that make sense?

Z said:
I dont think he meant ACTUALLY WWII. I mean a fantasy world with a WWII post-industrial setting. Just like how Zelda resembles the Medieval Europe in the real world, but is set in a fantasy totally fictional world. What I meant as in Zelda with a WWII setting means Hyrule in an era which resembles WII in the real world. Does that make sense?
I guess that doesn't sound too bad, it's basically be like most Final Fantasy games :-/ would probly have airships, boats, cannons, Chocobos, the whole lot :3

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Z said:
Imagine Ganon being behind WWII and ordering the invasion of Poland because the Triforce rests there. Of course it doesnt have to be WWII, but a change of scenery would be nice.( Edited on 19.07.2007 12:12 by Kangaroo_Kid )
I dont think he meant ACTUALLY WWII. I mean a fantasy world with a WWII post-industrial setting. Just like how Zelda resembles the Medieval Europe in the real world, but is set in a fantasy totally fictional world. What I meant as in Zelda with a WWII setting means Hyrule in an era which resembles WII in the real world. Does that make sense?

Smilie My bad.

Linkyshinks said:
It has approached the game totally differently actually, I was refering to it's new direction both in controls and gameplay mechanics. They have got to have a microphone ready for the next Wii game on the evidence of the DS game which uses it brilliantly.

Fair call, but you could just remake any previous Zelda game for the DS and it would still have those features. It's not necessarily a different approach.

EDIT: Or does it? I'm not really sure what I'm debating anymore. It's late, I'm tired, I'm going to bed.

( Edited on 19.07.2007 14:01 by Kangaroo_Kid )

Look at the novel "Northen Lights" (or Golden Compass in America)

Arthur Levine is such a twat for forcing the name change to that fantastic book, and to Philosopher's Stone. What the fuck is a Sorcerer's Stone you idiot? And it's not a fucking compass!

"This man has advanced communist views ... He dresses in a bohemian fashion both at his office and in his leisure hours."

One of the reasons why PHG has been so well recieved IS because it has been approached differently. I suggest you read some of the few import reviews out. Good bedtime reading.-

Image for

"Arthur Levine is such a twat for forcing the name change to that fantastic book, and to Philosopher's Stone. What the fuck is a Sorcerer's Stone you idiot? And it's not a fucking compass!"

Well Philosphers Stones are mushrooms of the narcotic variety. I used them to call the spirit women* into my art studio when I was studying at Art college. That's all I know Smilie. Seriously, yes I agree with your centiments, name changes have a habit of being ridiculous. Zack and Wiki in gaming is a prime example as well as others.

*College babes brandishing alcohol.

( Edited on 19.07.2007 14:49 by Linkyshinks )

Zelda needs a huge overhaul. It's pants.

^^^ You say

Arthur Levine is such a twat for forcing the name change to that fantastic book, and to Philosopher's Stone. What the fuck is a Sorcerer's Stone you idiot? And it's not a fucking compass!

Agreed. The American audience are perfectly able to comprehend or read those titles. They are just been patronising.

Miyamoto Interview on Wired

Mike Gee of iZINE said, "...The Verve, as he [Richard Ashcroft] promised, had become the greatest band in the world. Most of the critics agreed with him. Most paid due homage. The Verve were no longer the question mark or the clich�. They were the statement and the definition."

Although I love medieval settings for adventure games, I do think it would be interesting to move Zelda into a different timeframe as an experiment (like colonial, caveman ages, distant future, etc.)

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