In a surprising turn of events, RPG heavyweight Square Enix has revealed that it has great interest in the Wii Fit programme and the Balance Board that comes with it.
Speaking at the recent E3 Media & Business Summit, Akira Toriyama and Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings Producer, Eisuke Yokoyama, spoke on various Nintendo-related subjects.
First of all the Square Enix duo were asked if the company had any interest in using the Nintendo DS microphone or Wi-Fi online network, to which Yokoyama-san stated, "We're definitely interested in the multiplayer and local connection element. And we'd like to look into it for the future. We don't know about the mic function so much because it might not be too convenient if you're playing on the train."
What is more intriguing, though, is how he spoke openly about Nintendo's Wii Fit package the the Wii Balance Board, stating "Right now we're mostly interested in Wii Fit. We're really intrigued by it. There are no actual plans to take Final Fantasy into the fitness genre, but that whole system and mechanism of using your weight and balance to control games is something we're interested in incorporating into future RPG titles."
So not only will be definitely be seeing more than the three initial RPGs on Wii from Square Enix, it seems, but some of them are likely to make use of this new peripheral. But how long before other developers show more interest? Nintendo has already hinted it would like EA to make a new SSX game using it and for Activision to tailor a future Tony Hawk title to it as well.
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