E3 2007 Screens | Dance Dance Revolution Hottest Party (Nintendo Wii)

By Jorge Ba-oh 15.07.2007 9

Konami heats up the dancing stage on Wii, promising to bring the Hottest Party to Nintendo's ickle machine in the latest in the original dancing series.

Be sure to scavenge through the screens album below for more tasty media.

Box art for Dancing Stage: Hottest Party
Also known as

Dance Dance Revolution: Hottest Party









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Rated $score out of 10  10/10 (5 Votes)

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Seeing this reminded me that I wanted to pick up Mario DDR for the Gamecube to play on the Wii, since I had seen it for 20 bucks a couple months ago and I figured that meant it hadn't sold well and would be flooding the used market.

The damn thing is going for 67 bucks on half.com! 81 bucks on Amazon! I guess it was 20 bucks the same way "Beyond Good and Evil" was 20 bucks, meaning that the big chains were just trying to get rid of a title that didn't sell to their expectations, but it had enough of a cult following that the few copies that were produced went to people who aren't ever going to resell them.

So now the question is, do I pay more than full price for DDR: Mario Mix, or wait for this Wii-enhanced (and probably wireless) but totally generic-looking version of DDR to come out? Or do I just keep using my PS2 dance pad with my laptop, which is awkward as hell but doesn't cost anything?

So......adding Mario characters means it's less generic? Eh?

Get this one.

IANC said:
Dude yuor totally awesome. And i won't be killing you anytime soon.

This sort of thing will never be my cuppa tea, mario characters or not. {LS]

God I can't wait for this...bummer on the pop songs. I want a normal DDR! No bloody wiimote movements as well! (I seriously hope Konami were smart enough to include an option to disable that).

Give me, I haven't played DDR for a long time.

Slydevil said:
So......adding Mario characters means its less generic?

Adding Mario characters and music from Nintendo games does make it less generic, yeah. I'm no Japanophile so random J-pop is completely generic to me. You could argue that DDR is for people who like Japanese dance music, but I would argue that DDR is for people who like to play a video game that involves exercise.

Even when playing DDR on my laptop using a bunch of song packs I found out on the interweb, I find myself going back to the Disney DDR stuff (which I think was only released in Japan, and has a mix of Japanese and English lyrics) because at least it has personality that's recognizable to an English speaker. Oh yeah, and because it's the only stuff with which I can get A's in Hard mode if I really try.

Yoshi weren't in it Smilie

I bet Yoshi would pwn them plumbers is a dance off. Smilie


( Edited on 17.07.2007 20:08 by SuperLink )

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Have the dancer models in DDR games always looked that awful?Smilie

( Edited on 17.07.2007 20:22 by IfritXVII )

I might pick this one up if the soundtracks are decent

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