E3 2007 Media | Soul Calibur Legends Screens/Art (Nintendo Wii)

By Adam Riley 13.07.2007 7

Bandai Namco is readying its Soul Calibur spin-off adventure game for Nintendo's Wii for a Q4 2007 release in the West and to celebrate, the company has sent Cubed3 a wealth of new media.

Soul Calibur, the weapon-based fighting game franchise, is to be reinvented as Soul Calibur Legends, a 3rd person action adventure, exclusively made for Nintendo's Wii. The game follows the 16th century exploits of Siegfried and other Soul Calibur characters, new and old. Siegfried finds himself on a quest for ultimate power in order to save an empire from destruction, bringing him into conflict with other warriors seeking to unify the pieces of the Soul Edge sword. This fateful quest leads to his inevitable possession by the cursed blade.

The Wii Remote and Nunchuk are your weapons of choice as you perform your moves and combos using various timed slashes and movements. You will be able to master special attacks that you acquire throughout the adventure whilst battling through diverse environments, crushing a plentiful supply of enemies and large bosses. With the help of other characters from the series, the developer's aim is for players to "view the Soul Calibur universe in an entirely new light".

Check out the 23 new screenshots and pieces of art in the media folder below and stick around for an exclusive interview next week here on Cubed3!

Box art for SoulCalibur Legends

Namco Bandai







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Is it actually exclusive, though?

1"We're mentalist psychic Scots , which means we can read your mind. If you're lying, your head explodes and we laugh."

What, the interview or the screens/art? I was informed there are brand new screens and art in the pack sent me.

Anyway, this game just looks miles better each time I see it - and with the team being the cream of the Soul Calibur developers, it should be great! Smilie

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

None of my fave characters are there yet, I wonder if more will be confirmed as time goes on? All these guys are like the dark "cool" characters of the SC world D:

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Tea Party ruined...'Exclusive' taken out of the title.

Anyway, thoughts on the game?

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

Tin Can Man said:
Is it actually exclusive, though?

Hell yeah, were not getting the premiere game though. Who knows this game might soften the blow. It makes you wonder though whether developers are hesitant about one on one fighting games on Wii. I would hope that Mortal Kombat is not a good example of what is possible with all the control schemes available. Imo they should be making games like Virtua Fighter on Wii, with weaponry of course, have to have weaponry. {LS]

SuperLink said:
None of my fave characters are there yet, I wonder if more will be confirmed as time goes on? All these guys are like the dark cool characters of the SC world D:
Whaaaaat!? It has ALL my favourite characters! Siegfried, Ivy, Mitsurugi... Taki's crap, but she has huge breasts so they had to put her in. They're just all the 'main' characters of the series, who have proper storylines...

I must admit I'd prefer it if Yoshimitsu (My real favourite character) and Cervantes were in it, but Cervantes will probably turn up as an enemy, and I've never been sure if Yoshimitsu's supposed to be good or bad so I dunno about him...

Screenshots look... Well... Absolutely terrible to me to be honest. Some of them look worse than bad Dreamcast graphics


Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

I think it looks abysmal. The video at E3 made it look even worse, to me.

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