E3 2007 Video | Fire Emblem: Goddess of Dawn (Wii)

By Jorge Ba-oh 11.07.2007 12

Strategy meets fantasy in the latest Wii Fire Emblem seeing players battle it out to free a corrupt kingdom from darkness and evil.

A juicy trailer straight from E3 2007:

More E3-filled updates to come...

Box art for Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn

Intelligent Systems







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Rated $score out of 10  10/10 (39 Votes)

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Sweet! Still looks GameCube though. Nice FMV!

The graphics look quite a bit better to me, but PoR had pretty drab graphics anyway. After you've been playing for a bit you have to turn the fighting sequences of to maintain your sanity so they're a bit of a waste of time.

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

Awesome, I can't wait for it to be realeased here.

Yeahi saw this earlier and it looks pretty good, i wanted to get the GC game when it came out but i left it abit too late and now i cant find it anywhere?!?! Smilie

Anyway I might get this, it looks good! Smilie

I see all these people insulting the Nintendo corporation because of the lack of mature content. Yet there is something about Nintendo (at least their games) that strikes a certain unadulterated feeling of joy!!!  Pokemon Y - 1048-9263-5562

Nice looking trailer, glad about the improved visuals. But Fire Emblem makes a MUCH better 2D game.

Kinda old footage, though. But hey, a new trailer is better than nothing. Smilie

I didn't mind the switch to 3D for the series that much. I like that it's a bit different than the handheld outings, or else it would be extremely boring after a few levels.

FMV's look very nice and stylized. Can't wait for this and Tactics A2 on DS. They're going to be BIG time killers.

Looking good. Sad to say that I still have to pick up the Cube version (when money allows) I do love the GBA versions.

topbanana said:
Looking good. Sad to say that I still have to pick up the Cube version (when money allows) I do love the GBA versions.

You'll probably be able to find it cheap, somewhere around $30-$35 most likely. It's definitely worth it though! Smilie

The FMVs look great, but the game generally looks like the GC FE.

To me it looks way better than the GC version, but the GC one looked crap anyway, so it's still not that good... The magic effects look amazing though, I want to hump them. Them and Ilyana (the girl casting the magic)... Smilie The battle animations look far more realistic and interesting than they did in the GC one too, which is good. Still not as good as the amazing 2D animations in the GBA games though... I can't wait to see a DS Fire Emblem ;-;

I'm slightly annoyed that all the characters in that trailer are from PoR though... I knew it was a direct sequel but I was hoping to see loads of new characters... There will probably be new ones as well though so it's all good...

I never turned off the battle animations while playing either... I think it would have been incredibly boring if I had ^^;

Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

Still not as good as the amazing 2D animations in the GBA games though... I can't wait to see a DS Fire Emblem ;-;

Same. The animations from the GBA versions were amazing. Pent casting a spell was probably the best, cape flying and all. I want FE DS.

Apparently another Advance Wars is coming this year according to IGN, which is cool and all, but that likely means Intelligent Systems has been working on that and not a Fire Emblem. Smilie

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