Nintendo Wii Media | First Screens & Info on Jenga

By Adam Riley 07.07.2007 10

Atari has confirmed that Jenga is indeed coming to Nintendo's Wii, but has also revealed that the DS will be getting an edition of this age-old puzzle game. The world's most famous "wooden block tower building game" is created to use both control systems to the best of their abilities in order to speed things up in the game.

The game will offer unpredictable, quick-paced, tactical play that combines suspense and risk-taking, where mounting anticipation comes to a crashing climax. Licensed by Pokonobe Associates and developed by Atomic Planet, Jenga for the Nintendo DS and Wii will ship in November 2007.

"Fans of the Jenga family of games will fall in love with this exciting brand all over again. We are thrilled to deliver this timeless and renowned game with new variations and surprises for the Nintendo DS and Wii."
- Jeremiah Cohn, senior product manager, Atari, Inc.

"We are very pleased that Atari is now bringing Jenga's universal entertainment appeal to video gamers worldwide. This new platform will extend the opportunity to play Jenga to video gamers and generate exceptional new play experiences. Atari's Jenga for the Nintendo DS and Wii takes the Edge-of-Your-Seat Fun

Box art for Jenga World Tour

Atomic Planet







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In concept it sounds like a great idea pulling out blocks from a tower using the stylus, but on the other hand if those physics are not up to scratch then it's likely to be a dire game. [LS]

Etrian Odyssey, Atlus

( Edited on 07.07.2007 02:00 by Linkyshinks )

Yep. I'm not quite sure how you can emulate something like Jenga in the videogame world even /with/ the Wiimote. If the physics suck,as LS said, the game'll suck . If not, we'll see.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Duffman ~~~~~~~~~
"If you make yourself really small, you can externalize virtually everything", Daniel Dennett

I would always prefer the normal Jenga to virtual Jenga.

This looks cuteSmilie

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Virtual Jenga? Please. Surely there has to be a line where a videogame of something is utterly pointless, and a waste of everyone's time and money? There's no way on earth that this can ever match up to playing real Jenga. Just fucking buy a proper Jenga set for the

Scrap Jenga, use the same engine, and make a "Crossbows and Catapults" game.

THAT would sale. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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Oni-Ninja said:
If you buy this game youre a mug.


They're obviously making it because they know someone will buy it. And it clearly won't be a high budget game. And they couldn't possibly have the audacity to sell it for

Yeah I don't understand how people even consider buying games like these?

A pointless game in my opinion. If i want to play jenga then I will get it out of the cupboard and play it with mates. I think it would be very boring without the tactile feel to the game.


But what if, with this game, you can play Jenga ONLINE!?

Yeah, I'm not seeing the appeal either actually...

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