Nintendo DS Media | Nanostray 2 Info, Video & New Screens

By Adam Riley 07.07.2007 7

The highly promising sequel to Nanostray on the Nintendo DS is nearing completion now and German developer Shin'en Multimedia has revealed more details, a trailer and new screenshots of the game.

First of all, check out the video here: Nanostray 2 Trailer [ 10.1MB, Right-Click, Save Target As ]

The following information has also been released:

"Nanostray 2 (N2) is the ultimate action experience for your Nintendo DS. N2 delivers fast paced gameplay, more intense than any other game for your handheld. Ultra smooth graphics easily surpass anything you have seen on the Nintendo DS before. Discover hundreds of unique enemies, beautiful worlds and frightning bosses spread across the Nanostray galaxy. Face the ultimate challenge!"

Game Modes

  • Adventure
  • Arcade
  • Challenge
  • 2 Player
  • Simulators
Comprehensive Adventure Mode
Discover the truth about the Nanostray Virus. Experience an exciting story, excellent cutscenes, extensive voice acting, and never seen before special effects.

Thirty-Two Challenges
Master 32 challenges, each located in a unique environment. A broad range of different
tasks have to be solved, ranging from easy to ambitious. Complete a set of 8 challenges to unlock one of the four extra 'Simulator' games.

Four Unlockable Simulators
The simulators are fast paced arcade style games, focused on hiscore hunting. They are all designed in a unique futuristic 'simulator' style. Each game is a complete new experience, no remake of classic arcade games.

Configurable Weapons
Setup your custom weaponry. Unlock six powerful weapons. Adapt and customnize your arms before starting for a new area. Use three different systems at once.

Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection Support
All players can compete in the N2 world championship. You can directly upload all your scores from ARCADE MODE to the world championship board and browse it online in a number of categories. Local wireless co-op play is also supported.

Three Control Schemes
1.) Classic Control (doesn't force any touch screen usage)
2.) Left Handed Touch Control (using the stylus and buttons)
3.) Right Handed Touch Control (using the stylus and buttons)

The Touch Controls give a complete new feeling to an arcade game like N2. Those control schemes are very accessible for players who haven't played many arcade games before. Skilled players will enjoy the new controls as a new experience to the genre.

Other features

  • 16 giant bosses
  • Over 100 different enemies
  • Great soundtrack containing more then 30 energetic songs and over 200 SFX
  • New scoring mechanisms including the Nanogauge

Be sure to check out the fifteen great new screenshots in the media folder below and stay tuned for more updates!

Box art for Nanostray 2

Shin'en Multimedia







C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  8/10

Reader Score

Rated $score out of 10  5/10 (2 Votes)

European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date None   Australian release date Out now   

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Hope it's good, downloading now. looks well featured. [LS]

EDIT: Looks pretty good that first scene looked very reminiscent of Axelay. I have not got one shooter on the DS so I am open to the idea of getting this if reviews are favourable, otherwise Contra beckons. Bozon's Bro is working on that game dont you know. If you do manage to get a interview with WayFoward you should try to bag a interview with him. [LS]

( Edited on 07.07.2007 01:41 by Linkyshinks )

I keep meaning to email Mr. Bozon...we made acquaintance back when Sigma Star Saga was first announced for the US.

Nanostray 2 should be amazing - Shin'en really knows what it's doing and doesn't have any publishers telling them to add stupid things like touch-screen weapon changes now!

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

Looks ace, as usual. Pretty sure that trailer is the same one as last time...

Wii the Dollar the way it is, makes me want to get a DS.

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

I really enjoyed the first Nanostray. It was my favorite DS game for the week or two before I realized the days when I could play Defender indefinitely (Defender being way, way easier than most later shooters, including Nanostray) are 20 years behind me.

I'll still buy Nanostray 2, though, even if I just end up playing the minigames.

Nanostray has fantastic music and great gameplay, so I'm keeping my eye on this.Smilie

Wonder what Shin'en could achieve on the Wii?

Can't wait to get my hands on this game.

Revolution is the solution.

Yeah, kinda weird about the trailer being the same as last time... 16 bosses though, I would assume that means there's 16 levels? A great improvement over the, pretty short, first game.

Co-op also means large amounts of win, but it'd have been good to have co-op online too...

Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

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