New Sonic title leaked.Another Collection? Nintendo recently held its post-E3 Gamer's Summit at the Fairmont hotel in San Francisco to perhaps make up for a slightly disappointing appearance at this year's E3 exposition. Nintendo of America has revealed, accidentally, an all-new Sonic the Hedgehog title is currently in development at Sega HQ, Japan. The news appears to have been leaked at the recent Nintendo Gamer Summit by a Nintendo employee. Exactly what the new title is wasn't clearly stated, however, the Nintendo representative did make clear that the game is not Sonic Heroes, which inevitably suggests that a new compilation, perhaps Sonic CD Collection, is in development. If a suggested Sonic CD collection is made, along with ports of other overlooked Sonic titles, it would be excellent news for fans of the classic games, but perhaps it would appeal more to collectors or those who missed out on the titles the first time round. The Sega CD, an additional unit for the Mega Drive, Sonic games were Sonic CD, a very different Sonic game, where the pace is fast, graphics enhanced somewhat, but the classic gameplay seems to have been lost during production. The second title, Knuckles and Chaotix, is a "partnership" platformer where you and a member of a rebellious team of misfits, the Chaotix, are bound by the classic Sonic ring to lead to special moves, new puzzles and enemies. As soon as more information is revealed, like this rumour, Cubed3 shall be the first to reveal every detail. Post Your comments below.