Nintendo News | LucasArts Brings Thrillville to Wii/DS

By Jorge Ba-oh 04.07.2007 2

LucasArts has announced an exciting theme park simulator, Thrillville: Off the Rails, bringing crazy rides, carnival games and family-friendly gameplay to Nintendo's Wii and DS.

Off the Rails lives up to its name with 20 death-defying rides so outrageous, they inspire the same word from every park visitor who sees them: "WHOA!" Players build these incredible "WHOA Coasters" to leap from one track to another, launch through the air like cannonballs, blast through burning rings of fire and more.

A new lighthearted story ties together more than 100 missions, complete with 34 playable multiplayer theme-park games and improved social interaction with park guests. The in-depth conversations both advance the plot and suggest better ways to manage the park. But is every guest to be trusted? One never knows when a rival from the nefarious Globo-Joy might attempt to sabotage Thrillville parks with deceptive information...

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This sounds terrible, LucasArts could better invest their vast sums of money elsewhere. [LS]

Just had a look at some clips for this and yeah its basically Roller Coaster Tycoon 3 but "consolized" so graphics look slightly poo.

RCT3 was a solid creative game though, so I'm sure this will be ok. Provided of course that Frontier develop it and dont let Lucas arts fuck with it.

( Edited on 04.07.2007 18:59 by [FJD] )

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