Nintendo News | New Free DS Game for Japanese Members

By Adam Riley 04.07.2007 5

Following the free copy of Game & Watch Collection and Tingle's Balloon Fight for DS, Club Nintendo members in Japan will soon be able to get another treat in the form of the multiplayer-only 'Exclamation Warriors Sakeburein'. Designed for two-to-three players (via just one DS card), and controlled using the DS microphone, you play as a group of heroes who move when you shout their names.

The strange sounding game will be available for order between now and 5th August, 2007, with it being sent out on 11th September.

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Smilie, Why?, why do Nintendo treat us loyal avid westerners so badly in comparison?. We had better get that quill stylus. [LS]

( Edited on 05.07.2007 07:47 by Linkyshinks )

Yes im posting cause its a sentai game.

I Rule.

500 points...


Avoid Games Like the Plague, productivity++

The strange sounding game will be available for order between now and 5th August, 2007, with it being sent out on 11th September.

I sure as hell hope there's no large buildings that come crashing down in that game.

Matthew Evans [ Writer :: Moderator :: King of Impartiality :: Lord of the 15min Thread ] As the wind blows the sand to cover the camel's tracks so does time move to cover the Lord's.
Rejoice for the Lord will taketh his quarter and give much back to his followers.

lol...but i think the porche 911 is harsher.

Avoid Games Like the Plague, productivity++

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