Nintendo Wii Media | DK Jet Gameplay Videos

By Jorge Ba-oh 03.07.2007 5

Nintendo's most famous ape returns in a pair of videos from the upcoming Donkey Kong Jet racing game for Wii, taking the Kong family to all new levels of speed and action.

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Box art for Donkey Kong: Jet Race
Also known as

Donkey Kong: Barrel Blast









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Is it just me or are the bananas 2D sprites?Smilie

I'll stick with Mario Kart.Smilie

I think it's JUST that bit different to Mario Kart to tempt me into buying it. Looks like it could be fun. Is it online?

Apparently the controls are shite...

Looks like the kind of thing young kids will enjoy because of the control sceme. [LS]

( Edited on 03.07.2007 11:59 by Linkyshinks )

Y'know I probably would have gotten this if it was still on GC with the intended controls...

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