Nintendo Media | Contra 4 Gameplay/Video Interview

By Jorge Ba-oh 29.06.2007 4

The recent edition of the 1UP Show featured an exclusive look and discussion on Konami's upcoming Contra, as the classic side-scrolling shooter is reborn exclusively on Nintendo's ever-popular handheld.

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Hell yeah!, back to basics and none of the Playstation crap, using the Super Nintendo version for the framework was more than wise, it was very much needed to applease fans that were bitterly dissaponted by those dull PS games.

"solid gameplay" "verticality" " love letter to Contra" "Co Op" "sic bosses"- I am so sold.

The game looks great, I cannot wait to get my hands on two copies to try out the Co Op mode, I am confident it's as great as I thought it would be. [LS]

( Edited on 30.06.2007 06:46 by Linkyshinks )

Etna!!!! XD ok that done ^^ look hard but that what u want from a contra game

Jump_button said:
This is probably the only thing you've ever said that I agree with...

I'll be honest, I'd never heard of Contra until recently... Looks alright I guess, kinda like a less fun Metal Slug. It does kinda look like a SNES game though... Or worse than a SNES game. Not sure what they were thinking there.

Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

Megadanxzero said:
Jump_button said:Etna!!!!
This is probably the only thing youve ever said that I agree with...Ill be honest, Id never heard of Contra until recently... Looks alright I guess, kinda like a less fun Metal Slug. It does kinda look like a SNES game though... Or worse than a SNES game. Not sure what they were thinking there.

I agree, it does not look great, but then Konami themselves did not make it, lol, maybe that's a good thing though. This game was made by the fans to make them very happy, by sticking to the simple winning formula. Hopefully Konami will take it back for the next one on either DS or Wii and they will have learned much from how WayFoward developed this game, and what they saw as important. [LS]

( Edited on 30.06.2007 15:02 by Linkyshinks )

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