Nintendo DS Media | Bandai Namco Shows How to Use Two Styluses

By Adam Riley 28.06.2007 5

Bandai Namco's Taiko no Tatsujin series of rhythm games has previously been a regular on Sony's PlayStation systems. However, now the company is bringing a new edition to DS, complete with gameplay that lets you use two styluses as drum sticks.

Check out the Japanese advert for the game, which hits on 26th July, 2007:

Stay tuned for further updates...

Box art for Taiko no Tatsujin DS: Touch de Dokodon!

Bandai Namco


Namco Bandai





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Interesting. We'll never get it. Smilie

Is DS capable of recognising two separate touches at once? Would be cool...

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

There was a rumour about two separate touches being possible quite a while back, but in this case it's just so you can tap like you're playing on a drum.

And Darkspine, if Square Enix manages to bring Itadaki Street DS over to the West, I don't see why Bandai Namco can't bring this over as Drum Master DS.

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

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Yeah, I think this could come here. Taiko Drum Master for playstation is probably one of the best rythem games I've played. Either way if you have an R4 like myself, I can just download the Japanese version Smilie

This is likely to come over. It fits in as part of the DS casual movement and will sell like hotcakes.

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