Nintendo News | Exclusive Wii Modes for EA Sports Projects

By Jorge Ba-oh 27.06.2007 9

Quick News: The recent EA Sports' media event revealed good and bad news for Wii owners. All three upcoming titles Madden 08, Tiger Woods, and NBA Live will have an exclusive additional party mode and online support. However Tiger's stepping off the online podium with no online support for his latest game.

Thanks to GoNintendo for the tip.

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It's a shame that Tiger will not have online play, but as long as they produce a better game and not one that resembles a the port like old one did I will be happy. Golf on the Wii should be excellent. [LS]

( Edited on 26.06.2007 23:58 by Linkyshinks )

It's dissapointing that it's not online but im sure it will be better than 07



Golf would be the easiest to get working online :-/
Theres no lag to worry about. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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I have never purchased a sports game in my life, oddly enough... Are they any good?

I don't get it.... It says "all three upcoming titles" and then it says Tiger doesnt' have it?
Must say that I'm only buying the Wii edition if it has online. So now it'll probably be the Xbox 360-version, or none at all (until 2009) since I'm still playing with the Wii edition of 2006.

"I have never purchased a sports game in my life, oddly enough... Are they any good?"

No, not really.

Sport is boring, the idea of replicateing reality limited game is pointless.

I mean, lets have stuff that can only be done in video games eh?

Futurama Baseball anyone? :p <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
Last update; Mice,Plumbers,Animatronics and Airbenders. We also have the socials; Facebook & G+

You see - I've always been a fan of the FIFA games - ever since the MegaDrive and so I disagree with saying they are no good... I agree it's nowhere near as good as playing a footy match with some mates, or even anywhere close to the experience of watching it... but still - I do enjoy sport games.

I've been on RADIO ONE! | I'm on ONM.

superscott789 said:
You see - Ive always been a fan of the FIFA games - ever since the MegaDrive and so I disagree with saying they are no good... I agree its nowhere near as good as playing a footy match with some mates, or even anywhere close to the experience of watching it... but still - I do enjoy sport games.

Hi superscott, good to see you here also, welcome to the forum. I agree nothing beats the real thing but at the same time sitting in with friends and playing a sports game can be equally fun.

It's fun arranging your own tournaments, or even playing for money on occassion Smilie[LS]

( Edited on 27.06.2007 17:08 by Linkyshinks )

Linkyshinks said:
superscott789 said:You see - Ive always been a fan of the FIFA games - ever since the MegaDrive and so I disagree with saying they are no good... I agree its nowhere near as good as playing a footy match with some mates, or even anywhere close to the experience of watching it... but still - I do enjoy sport games.
Hi superscott, good to see you here also, welcome to the forum. I agree nothing beats the real thing but at the same time sitting in with friends and playing a sports game can be equally fun.[LS]( Edited on 27.06.2007 17:06 by Linkyshinks )
Wahey! It's you from NGamer xD. I agree with that - and with the added 'party' elements that EA should be adding to games like FIFA, this 'experience' should get better.

I've been on RADIO ONE! | I'm on ONM.

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