Nintendo Media | Madden NFL 08 Video and Screens

By Jorge Ba-oh 27.06.2007 7

A selection of fresh Wii-filled screens and a slick trailer for EA Sports' Madden NFL 08 have hit the web with all the motion controlled ball antics one could ever wish for!

Improved visuals, better framerates and better control are the highlights of the 2008 edition, due for release in August.

Thanks to Jeux-France for providing the media - be sure to take a look through the screen album below for more tasty shots...

Box art for Madden NFL 08








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Rated $score out of 10  10/10 (1 Votes)

European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date None   Australian release date Out now   

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Great post, I love Madden I dont own it but have played it and like how it plays. I am expecting this version to help sell even more Wii's in the U.S. I hope they have ironed out the minor issues that prevented the last game from being great. The kicking needs to be improved for one. It's a fun game once you pick it up. [LS]

Wow it looks amazing, the graphics are far better than the current game, they have clearly hiked the budget for developent. May have to get this if reviews are favourable.

( Edited on 26.06.2007 23:35 by Linkyshinks )

Funny...the guy on the right gets confused and then swears in French early on in the vid!

Looks good and will certainly be a big seller in the US.

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

I have to get this game it look's smooth and sharper can't wait for the online play.


This game looks sooo fucking good!! The graphics are so smooth! I love EA!! They're actually putting effort onto the Wii.

EA are actually innovatingSmilie

It looks pretty good... too bad I can't abide plain sports games.


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