Nintendo News | Konami Confirms Contra 4 for DS

By Jorge Ba-oh 20.06.2007 6

The explosive Action series Contra celebrates its 20th Anniversary in style with the forth in the series making its way to the DS with a combination of classic gameplay mechanics tied in with dual-screen antics.

Contra 4 (working title) for the DS brings 2D side-scrolling action to the DS spanning both screens, new abilities and crazy multiplayer action. The events two years after Contra III: The Alien Wars. After saving earth from invasion by Red Falcon, Bill Rizer and Lance Bean are confronted with a new extraterrestrial menace: the terrifying Black Viper. Joined by hard-boiled mercenaries Mad Dog and Scorpion, the warriors must once again wage war against an entire army of invaders.

A new grappling hook accessory lets players grab onto elements of the environment directly above them to avoid upcoming danger, access new areas, or attack in different ways.

The game also features 2 player wireless multiplayer for shared action on the move.

Contra 4 is due for release in 2007.

Box art for Contra 4





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I am sooo sold on this, just give all regions Bill and Lance and not some lame looking robots. This title is potentially great. I look foward to hearing more on this title. [LS]

I really hope it does well and they plan to bring it to the Wii if it does.

( Edited on 20.06.2007 16:31 by Linkyshinks )

WayForward did the superb Shantae on GBC and the 'okay' Sigma Star Saga on GBA...just in case people didn't know. Why is that relevant? Well, because Konami's passed the development duties over to that US team.

I'll try and get an interview about the game since we've had two WayForward interviews in the past Smilie Fingers crossed!

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

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jesusraz said:
WayForward did the superb Shantae on GBC and the okay Sigma Star Saga on GBA...just in case people didnt know. Why is that relevant? Well, because Konamis passed the development duties over to that US team.Ill try and get an interview about the game since weve had two WayForward interviews in the past Smilie Fingers crossed!

Would be brilliant if you could, I would love to hear what's planned for the title, some questions I would ask them-

Do they plan to have top down sections as seen in the fine Contra on the SNES?. Will these characters (-4) have individual attributes, or are they just cosmetic?. How do they intend on using the DS dual screens?, can we expect huge bosses as seen in previous incarnations of the game. I would also wish to know more on the weaponry and whether weapons from the old games will feature in the new. Will the game feature Rumble Pak support?. Concerning multiplayer I would want to know if they are going to make this game equally geared for two player as much as one player. Contra games are notoriously hard will this game be in the same mould?. Will the game feature a musical hommage as the SNES game did to the film Predator on the last level of the game, that would be a nice bonus for fans.

That's all I can think of now but if I were to play a little of the old game I will surely think up some more. I was Contra obsessed back in the day, it was the reason why I myself got a SNES convertor, NOT Streetfighter 2 like so many others. [LS]

( Edited on 20.06.2007 23:34 by Linkyshinks )

Meh, if it is anything like the first Contra, with a little touch screen compatibility's thrown in, I'm a sucker for this.

Also some sort of Online play, like in XBLA. Co-Op would work well. One of the DS games I'm buying at launch. Phantom of Hourglass is on that list also.Smilie

( Edited on 20.06.2007 23:54 by Hobbes )

Are you a time traveller flicking through time at will

Hobbes said:
Meh, if it is anything like the first Contra, with a little touch screen compatibilitys thrown in, Im a sucker for this.Also some sort of Online play, like in XBLA. Co-Op would work well. One of the DS games Im buying at launch. Phantom of Hourglass is on that list also.Smilie( Edited on 20.06.2007 23:54 by Hobbes )

Are you a time traveller flicking through time at will? Smilie, the DS was released a few years ago.

I guess you meant "lunch" and not "launch" Smilie. [LS]

lol, I meant that it was one of the games that I'm buying as soon as it comes out.Smilie

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