Nintendo Media | DK Jet Screens, Video, Official Website

By Jorge Ba-oh 16.06.2007 15

A late-night update for Donkey Kong fans brings fresh screens from the ape's latest escapade, a waggle filled video and the launch of the official Japanese website.

DK Jet takes players on some high speed barrels as they race through some classic Donkey Kong locations - lush jungles, gorgeous oceans and terrifying volcanic mountains.

  • Official Japanese Website

    Be sure to look through the screens album below for more tasty shots...

  • Box art for Donkey Kong: Jet Race
    Also known as

    Donkey Kong: Barrel Blast









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    The whole bongo concept makes absolutely no sense when you remove the bongo peripheral from the equation, you could really make it any kind of turd making Donkey fly. Speaking of turds, this game is just retarded looking.

    Agreed. I'm not interested in waving my arms in the air all day long. Not to mention, the tracks look very sad.. there is no room for any exploring or anything. I was pretty excited about this game until this very second.

    From what I understand the default controller option is NOT the DK Bongo's and the Wii Remote and Nunchuk. LS

    I would prefer it if Nintendo DIDN'T make games like these and devoted the surplus resources and manpower to getting/optimising/localising the games Nintendo fans ALL want out that much quicker. ie Metroid, Mario Galaxy and Brawl.

    Also, with Mario Kart Wii on the way, games like these are really unnecessary.

    Well I think this looks really fun myself...

    I would prefer them to devote their resources to new franchise. This game looks okay though. I will probably get it if it gets +8.

    I agree with Knighty, it looks like great fun, regardless of the use of bongo drums.

    The fact that this game was original designed for Nintendo's Bongo Peripheral, will not affect the game. I actually think it will improve it. Anyone else suffer from the dreaded, Stingy Hand Disease? I sure did and it wasn't very pleasant, especially while playing Donkey Kong: Jungle Beat for long periods.

    Using the Wii-mote and Nunchuck looks to be just as responsive and gets rid of the dreaded stingy hands. In my opinion, it's a good thing.

    It doesn't look retarded! The music's shite, but it hardly looks turd-esque. It's a shame they're not including bongo functionality because it would work fine and DK actually has a bongo jetpack thingy. That said, it'll probably work better with the Wiimote - does anyone else get sore hands with the bongos?

    Less posty, more gamey.

    Very interesting and looks like fun, though the music definitely needs improvement.

    I've already pre-ordered this 3 times for each region.


    It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

    Looks pretty average, nothing to really get excited about, the controls look fine though they look like they could emulate the bongo controls fine and your gonna look much less of a retard playing the game now Smilie

    Nintendo need to do alot better

    artmonkey said:
    That said, itll probably work better with the Wiimote - does anyone else get sore hands with the bongos?
    Only if clapping loads, and I usually just tapped the side instead, so not really... I'd probably get it if it used the bongos but using the Wiimote just looks weird... I don't see why they couldn't just let you use either, it makes no sense at all. I'll probably end up getting it and plugging the bongos in anyway, randomly hitting them in an attempt to make things happen and then crying myself to sleep...

    Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

    Looking at screenshots I didn't think much to this, but seeing it in motion makes me think it could be quite fun. Losing the bongos isn't much of a problem, they were just a novelty anyway. And Jungle Beat almost left my hands in bandages...

    I don't know about you guys, but I'm just happy to see DKC characters, locations, and barrel blasting action in a Donkey Kong game again. It might be a racer, but it's the first 3D Donkey Kong game to have a proper DKC feel. DK64 had the characters, and some gameplay elements (animal riding, minecarts), but it fell way short on the locations and general 'feel' the old games had.

    It does look like it'll be great fun, even without the bongos. I'm just hoping there'll be plenty of depth, like hidden routes and stuff. From what I gather though, there's an absolute buttload of secret characters to unlock, which should be nice.

    And Mario Kart? Since when has the series been any good for anything other than multiplayer?Smilie

    ( Edited on 17.06.2007 15:28 by Eblel )

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