Nintendo News | Rune Factory RPG Exclusive on Wii

By Adam Riley 07.06.2007 10

C3 Exclusive - In Cubed3's interview with Yasuhiro Wada of Marvelous Interactive, it was revealed that Rune Factory, the RPG spin-off of Harvest Moon, will be heading to Nintendo's Wii. In the same interview there is also talk of Wii controls for Magical Melody, Virtual Console support and much more. Be sure to read the full article below:

  • Cubed3 Interviews Yasuhiro Wada
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    My most favourite series on Nintendo - I look forward to any they put out. I am still playiing HM:AWL now - timeless.

    I assume they are talking a re-release of Magic Melody with Wii controls?

    If they put the old Harvest Moon games (SNES & N64), that would be ace for ease of use.

    ( Edited on 07.06.2007 15:29 by flamingmyinbox )

    Temporarily banned until further notice.

    I wouldn't be surprised if we learn more about this in the not too distant future. Harvest Moon Tree of Peace hits Japan this coming Thursday and Rune Factory 2 on DS is coming later this RF Wii should hopefully be revealed at E3 next month.

    And I agree, HM 64 on VC would be amazing since it never got a Euro release! Smilie

    Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

    UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

    I haven't read the interview yet. Its just waiting there to be read. I love the Harvest Moon series so I sure do hope that they'll bring the SNES version to the VC.

    Harvest Moon is one of my favorites series of Nintendo. Now with Rune Factory Wii and HM: Magical Melody, the collection will be complete, unless they release another one Smilie

    Actually I own the N64 Harvest Moon, the GBA one (Friends of Mineral Town) and A Wonderful Life! I played them a lot, I'm just looking for something new Smilie

    Udkedae Everywhere! | PSN: Udkedae

    I can't wait to play the first Rune Factory in English on DS...I've tinkered with the Japanese edition and it seems like great fun! Smilie

    Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

    UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

    jesusraz said:
    I wouldnt be surprised if we learn more about this in the not too distant future. Harvest Moon Tree of Peace hits Japan this coming Thursday and Rune Factory 2 on DS is coming later this RF Wii should hopefully be revealed at E3 next month.And I agree, HM 64 on VC would be amazing since it never got a Euro release! Smilie

    I got mine from the US, along with an NTSC N64 ( and a few other games). Had to complete the collection. I even have an GBC version (forget which one).

    Temporarily banned until further notice.

    The possibility of that game coming to the VC has completely evaded my mind.

    I want that game badly, the VC was concieved for such titles, however to date there has not been one title released on the euro VC that never got a euro release, but hopefully that will change, it better had-

    Mario RPG
    SMB2 Lost Levels
    Harvest Moon 64
    Starfox 2 (never released)
    DK 64

    Ahh there are loads, and many are waiting for them like me, they must surely be on the way. I am confident they will come, the VC is still very much in it's infancy. LS

    SMB2 Lost Levels and DK 64 both came to Europe...But I agree would be great additions. Lost Levels is coming to the Japanese VC soon (or was recently added, can't remember), so hopefully it'll be brought to the US/Europe.

    Earthbound is a must as well, plus Super Mario RPG, Chrono Trigger and the likes of Terranigma, Illusion of Time/Gaia and Soul Blazer!

    Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

    UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

    Oops of course, Allstars evaded me as i had no need for it, and well DK is a game i never got a chance to play. That list is just games i want badly to own via the VC.
    Chrono Trigger is a cert after they released Actraiser i reckon. LS

    Yeah, S-E has basically said 'no' to the original FF and DQ games...but since Actraiser's already hit all regions, there's no doubt its sequel and other 'non-FF/DQ games' will come along too.

    Back on topic - the Wii really needs to build up its RPG roster as quickly as possible. With Harvest Moon: Tree of Peace now out in Japan (selling only ~15,000 on day one, though) and Rune Factory now confirmed, plus the S-E duo...things are looking initially positive.

    Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

    UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

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